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Mael's Interviews!

Counselor Interview: Mr. Duffy, Mrs. Conte, and Mrs. Proctor

By Mael Jerez

Mr. Duffy

Daily Schedule 

Wake Up Time: 5:45

Either take the dog out or eat then get dressed

Arrival To School: 7:35 everyday

Bus duty on H-wing (favorite part of the day saying hi to every child that passes)

Job feels like a Roller-coaster everyday

No lunch period

Anywhere from 4 to 7:30

No children

Bedtime at 10:00, on the couch at 8:00


Q: How long have you been working in schools for?

A: 8th year in schools.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

A: Still working in counseling, but a farmer too.

Q: Were you a teacher before this job? If you were, then what did you teach?

A: Yes. Prevention teacher. Teaching children about  feelings.

Q: What college did you go to, if you did go to one?

A: 1st was Suffolk Community College for elementary education, SUNY for psychology, Masters in Counseling at NYIT.

Q: Have you taught/worked at a different school before?

A: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. Wenonah, Chippewa, counselor intern at North and East high schools.

Q: What was your true dream career when you were a child?

A: I always wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to explore new planets. 

Q: What are the three most critical things you would do in a school to ensure that every child is learning correctly?

A:  My purpose is to help students feel more open to learning in school by supporting them through their challenges.  We know it’s hard to focus/learn when we are feeling strong emotions.  Hopefully after a chat with me,  students leave feeling relieved and content, with a c lear enough mind to sit in class and soak up the lesson. Some important ways I do this are by 1. Helping students understand how to handle their struggles  in healthy ways,  2. Standing by their side when they are having a hard time, 3. Supporting the adults (parents and teachers) that work with our students: when teachers and parents feel good, kids benefit!

Q: What are some of your biggest personal interests?

A: Gardening in my flower farm, food (love trying diverse foods), baking, being around people, kayaking, hiking.

Q: What is the most important part of your job?

A: The most important part of my job is supporting the children in my care on the personal and emotional issues that are affecting their academics.   It is important that young people have support in managing their struggles so that they can learn, have positive and healthy life experiences to enjoy, and overall to grow into their best selves. 

Q: How would you say you impact children’s lives day by day in your job?

A: When I work with kids, I kind of work as a “self-actualizer”. I hope to impact lives by encouraging my students to realize their actual potential, and that doesn’t just mean getting good grades and doing homework…  Counselors notice the unique and great potential in every child.  My goal every day is to leave an impact by empowering children to accept and get comfortable with who they are, believe 100% in their strengths and abilities, and make positive and healthy choices. I want them to do their best every day to enjoy the most success, love, and happiness they can.

Q: What is the hardest decision you have had to make in your career?

A: Choosing between becoming a special education teacher or a school counselor.  As I counselor I get to work with all students! 

Q: If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?

A: I wish we had a longer to have more time to help with the kids issues.

Q: How Would Your Colleagues Describe You?

A: (laughs) Funny (I have a lot of fun at work), Helpful, loving, hard-working, passionate, and empathetic.

Q: What’s the favorite part of your job?

A: Working with you!  you kids are F U N N Y 

Q: What’s the least favorite part of your job?

A: It is the heartbreak of watching kids struggle in school, and in life.


Mrs. Conte

Daily Schedule 

Wake Up Time: 5:45

Arrival To School: 7:20 or 7:25

Cafeteria Duty for Breakfast

2:40 Bus Duty

Returns to building for more work

Leaves around 3 or 3:30

Mondays she has Night School

10:30 bedtime


Q: How long have you been working in schools for?

A: This is my 25th year.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: Retired, maybe doing something else.

Q: Were you a teacher before this job? If you were, then what did you teach?

A: N/A

Q: What college did you go to, if you did go to one?

A: Bachelor's degree in psychology at St. Johns, Master's degree in counseling at Hofstra, School counseling degree at Hofstra, second masters and administration at LIU.

Q: Have you taught/worked at a different school before?

A: Sachem North, Sagamore, then Seneca (here)

Q: What was your true dream career when you were a child?

A: Working in the city, did not know that I wanted to work with kids until later in life.

Q: What are the three most critical things you would do in a school to make sure that every child is learning?

A: Communication with Peers, and parents of kids, meeting with students on a regular basis, having good relationships with students.

Q: What are some of your biggest personal interests?

A: My biggest personal interests is traveling, and also a paranormal investigator.

Q: What is the most important part of your job?

A: Make sure that all students are in a safe learning environment.

Q:How would you say you impact children’s lives day by day in your job?

A: I hope that I'm that little voice in their head when they have to make a hard decision.

Q: What is the hardest decision you have had to make in your career?

A: When I became an administrator. 

Q: If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?

A: Starting earlier due to uncertainty on career.

Q: How Would Your Colleagues Describe You?

A: A little nutty (laughs), and always trying to help.

Q: What’s the favorite part of your job?

A: My students, for sure.

Q: What’s the least-favorite part of your job?

A: Sometimes I wish that I could help more people.


Mrs. Proctor

Daily Schedule 

Wake Up Time: 5:00

Arrival To School: 7:20

Bus Duty at 7:40

Lunch varies, but mostly during 7th period.

Bus Duty at 2:40

Leaves school at 3:00

6 or 6:30 dinner time

10:00 bedtime


Q: How long have you been working in schools for?

A: 24 years.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: Retired, and possibly living down south.

Q: Were you a teacher before this job? If you were, then what did you teach?

A: Yes. I taught theology in a cathlolic school.

Q: What college did you go to, if you did go to one?

A: Providence college.

Q: Have you taught/worked at a different school before?

A: Only a school in the city.

Q: What was your true dream career when you were a child?

A: I always wanted to be a firefighter.

Q: What are the three most critical things you would do in a school to make sure that every child is learning right?

A: That they have a place to talk, that someone is listening to their concerns of fears, and that they feel supported.

Q: What are some of your biggest personal interests?

A: I love to read, and also I love to garden and to go to the beach.

Q: What is the most important part of your job?

A: Working with students all day.

Q:How would you say you impact children’s lives day by day in your job?

A: I hope that I impact them in a positive way by being accessible, and if they need something then they could come to men when they need something.

Q: What is the hardest decision you have had to make in your career?

A: I think sometimes getting a student to realize that they need more help than they think that they need.

Q: If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?

A: I wish that there were more counselors so that way I could work with less students so I can focus more and know them better.

Q: How Would Your Colleagues Describe You?

A: That I'm kind, caring, and reliable.

Q: What’s your favorite part of your job?

A: Getting to know students.

Q: What’s the least-favorite part of your job?

A: I would say, um, answering emails.



                                              Gym Crew Interview

                                                                                                           by Mael Jerez

I interviewed the entire gym crew, but so far I have only finished my interview with Ms. Rose, Mr. McCarthy, and Mr. Cafiso. Here's how it went!


Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: I've been teaching for about 24 years, and this year is my 25th.

Q: What is your favorite unit to teach?

A: Badminton, for sure…

Q: Is there a difference between when you started teaching here and now?

A: Yes. The expectations are different due to Covid because more kids are stressed out.

Q: Why did you decide to become a teacher?

A: I just enjoy playing sports and also to help people.

Q: What’s the best/worst part of teaching?

A: Best: Being able to teach children and help them out. Worst: Things that students have to deal with.

Q: Could you run me through your entire daily schedule?

A: Sure.

7:25: Arrives and sets up the items uses.

7:50: Class starts. Stretching.

2nd period: Prep

5 on A and 7 on B

2:45 or 2:50 then go home.

Her kids bus comes. Her twins are in 5th grade and her girl is in 7th.

4:30 dinner

10:00 bedtime.

Q: Do you think students are different than they were before COVID-19?

A: Um, not too much of a change, really.

Q: What is the greatest challenge facing teachers like you today?

A: Getting durable equipment for sure, and getting equipment on time because everything is on backorder now!

Q: What three words would your peers use to describe you?

A: Um, honest, trustworthy, and, this is tough, I guess friendly!

Q: Where do you see yourself in five/ten years?

A: Um, probably still teaching to afford college for my kids! (laughs)

Q: What are your top 3 favorite sports?

A: My 3 favorite sports are softball, volleyball, and badminton, for sure. 


Mr. McCarthy

Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: This is currently my 4th year teaching. First full year back since 2019.

Q: Did you ever teach at any school before this one?

A: I was a teacher's assistant at Sachem North for 2 years before I started teaching here.

Q: Is there a difference between when you started teaching here and now?

A: Oh, that’s a good question. Probably getting students to have a normal Gym experience after COVID.

Q: Why did you decide to become a teacher?

A: The most influential people in my life were Gym teachers, so I decided to be just like them and try to make a difference in students’ lives.

Q: What’s the best/worst part of teaching?

A: Best: The relationships you make with peers (students, and co-workers) Worst: N/A

Q: Could you run me through your entire daily schedule?

A: 5:30 wake-up

5:45 goes to the gym to workout

7:35 arriving

7th period lunch

2:45 leave school. With sports leaves at 5:30

Bedtime at 11:00

Q: Do you think students are different than they were before COVID-19?

A: Communication is much different, I would say

Q: What is the greatest challenge facing teachers Phys Ed teachers today?

A: Keeping kids interested in the units that they do.  Also, nowadays students are not as active.

Q: What are three words would your peers use to describe you?

A: Compassionate, Communicator, and Hard-Working.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five/ten years?

A: Still probably working here and still coaching at Sachem North.

Q: What are your top 3 favorite sports?

A: 1: Football, 2: Wrestling (Olympic/folk style, NOT WWE), 3: Tie between Baseball and Hockey.


Mr. Cafiso

Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: I have been teaching here for about 20 years.

Q: What is your favorite unit to teach?

A: Um, oh, that’s a great question, um, probably Badminton.

Q: Is there a difference between when you started teaching here and now?

A: A lot. Being older and being more familiar. Also, most kids don’t change into clothes before class anymore.

Q: Why did you decide to become a teacher?

A: 1: Had great Gym teachers when young and 2: Loves sports.

Q: What’s the best/worst part of teaching?

A: Best: Making a difference in students' lives. Worst: Having to teach the same things over and over as it gets boring sometimes.

Q: Could you run me through your entire daily schedule?

A: 5:45 wake up

7:15 arriving

7:30 set up the field and/or gym.

5th-period lunch.

3:00 leaving without sports. With sports leaves at 5:00

Dinner time is at 6:30 without sports. 

Bedtime at 11:00

Q: Do you think students are different than they were before COVID-19?

A: Yes. I think so. Students lost a lot of schooling and students are also not as prepared.

Q: What is the greatest challenge facing teachers like you today?

A: Probably motivating students to try their best.

Q: What three words would your peers use to describe you? 

A: Involved, Knowledgeable, Funny.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five/ten years?

A: Still be teaching and coaching with Seneca, for sure.

Q: What's your favorite sport (or top 3)?

A: 1st Basketball, 2nd Soccer, 3rd Football.
