Best Clothing Trends of 2023

Have you been keeping up with the new trends?  If not, this is the perfect page for you.


To start off your new 2023 wardrobe, a simple jean jacket is the way to go. You can throw it over a simple tank top and leggings and it’s a cute, inexpensive, and comfy look.  


Mom jeans are back? Yep!  You heard it right! There are different shirts you can wear to put together so many versatile looks.  Adding a belt can add even more variability to your outfit.


There are many different styles of shoes that became popular this year.  Some of them are Crocs, Birkenstocks, Vans, and Nike Air Force Ones. Adding these to your wardrobe will complete any look.

Why doesn't this look good on me?

A lot of people assume that if the latest trend doesn't look good on them, they're the problem. That is not the case. A trend doesn't automatically make every other cool or pretty shirt ugly. It simply means other/more people like it. In personal experience, I don't think rib tanks and babydolls  look good on me but I like how crop tops and tanks look. Just because other people aren't wearing it doesn't mean it looks horrible. If anything it makes you look more original!


To take these trends a step further, you can get a Stanleys.  Not only are they cute, but they get rid of using plastic bottles and keep you hydrated.  Scrunchies are another trend that is making a comeback. They look cute in your hair or on your wrist.  If you are looking for a cute necklace, a pearl or seashell choker is definitely the right choice!


~ things you will need ~

~how to~

1) take your WASHED denim shirt and your bleach

2) dip your denim shirt into the bleach and let it sit for 24 hours                       

3) wash and dry shirt on its own

4) take any fabric adhesive and attach rhinestones (optional)

5) enjoy you new denim bleached shirt!



(1) The expression, "it takes a village" is very true here. So many people are working on just 1 model all at the same time! This kind of fast-paced environment is for high fashion events, such as Fashion Week.

(2) Even with a simpler setting, such as this editorial photo shoot, fashion is complex behind the scenes. With lighting, a ladder, backdrops, water, a computer, and so much more; you can see that even a simple one-picture-per-person job is set up to perfection.

(3) Of course, the outfits and models are not at random, that is the only reason fashion shows exist. When shows take place, the whole of it is particularly planned. As one can see, model's outfits are organized by their name, picture, and size.

(4) If there's not many people working on one model at the same time, it's many people working on many models at the same times or many people working on many models at different times or even many people working on one model at different times. There's just many a possibility on getting ready before a show.

(5) The next picture displays some models right before they hit the catwalk. Some stay serious while some others goof around. But nevertheless, the shows are always a success in one way or another.

(6) Backstage, there can be some impromptu photo shoot. "Impromptu" is usually what fashion is not, but sometimes these kinds of shoot can turn out the best. Sometimes, the shoot is staged, but can be styled as it looks impromptu. This picture however, is at a fashion show.

(7) Fashion shows can get ready anywhere, including the room shown below. As well, the areas can be extremely crowded or spaced out completely.

(8) Outdoor shoots and male models are common as well, as shown below. There is no difference to the story behind the scenes, but it is fun to see all walks of life behind the camera lens and the fashion industry being as diverse as it can be.

(9) People help as well from the makeup rooms to the catwalk. Here we can see some people helping a model and her garment make her way from point A to point B.

(10) There are so many settings that can be a part of a photo shoot indoors in a studio, and this is one of them. It looks as if the model is standing on a platform, lights surrounding her everywhere, and men are surrounding her with radios, windblowers, and cameras.

(11) This picture shows a dress rehearsal of a show. Pointing out are some members of the audience, and the models in complete makeup and hair.



Ripped jeans are an essential in everyone's closet! This is how to turn an old pair of jeans that you don't wear into something you can pair with anything!


1) Any pair of jeans

2) Something to cut them with


1) Take your old pair of jeans and lay them down

2) Take something to rip them such as a scissor or a knife *please have someone help you*

3) Cut wherever and how many rips you wish to have 

4) Enjoy your new ripped jeans!

Tumblr Fashion

Tumblr Fashion is a very unique and mostly very trendy to teens. This type of fashion includes crop tops, mom jeans, champion sweatshirts, Thrasher skateboard magazine, Diamond etc. You can take any piece of old clothing and make it new again by styling it in a new way! Here are some new ways to style your new looks! Happy styling!