
Encanto was an amazing movie that gets us on our feet to the best tunes since frozen. If you haven't already seen the movie you are a disgrace in my eyes because its a MASTERPIECE. The movie is about a girl named Mirabell. He family has a gift. An encanto that blessed them when Mirabell's abuela had to flee her village with her husband. He dies but their candle burns bright and gives them a new home. Mirabell starts telling the little kids in her village about her family the day of her cousin Antonio' ceremony. The ceremony takes place when a member in the family is old enough to receive a gift. Mirabell sings about her family's gifts and wonders when her cousin chimes in and tells everyone her ceremony went wrong and she got NO GIFT! The kids are shocked but Mirabell is happy to be in the family Madrigal . Even without a gift. Antonio's ceremony begins and he gets the ability to talk to animals. After a family photo they take without Mirabell , she see's cracking on the house and the candle go out. Nobody believes her except for Luisa, Mirabell's sister. She sings a song about the pressure she has put on herself and tells Mirabell about a mysterious uncle Bruno. They say he saw the future one day he disappeared. Luisa says his last vision is in his room which is off limits. She goes into his room and finds a vision of HER! Everyone starts singing "We don't talk about Bruno" the best song in the movie. If you don't agree with me you have never listened to music EVER! Anyway, rats take the vision into the wall where we find Bruno... Turns out he was living in the walls for years, not speaking to anyone except the rats. Mirabell tells Bruno that she wants him to see the future one last time and he see's Mirabell hugging her "perfect" sister Isabella, and that saves the miracle. Mirabell goes into her room where Isabella is crying. She never wants to be perfect. She wants to make new things, not just flowers (that's her gift) while yelling at Miabell, she pops a cactus out of the ground. Her and Mirabell sing a song about expressing and loving yourself, which leads abuela to be mad at Mirabell for making Isabella imperfect. Mirabell gets so angry at abuela ( who deserves prison time honestly) the house turns into rubble and she runs into the forest. A few days later abuela finds Mirabell that her husband died right at the lake front they were standing near. All of a sudden bestie Bruno tells abuela he's alive and saw the future. The whole family comes and gives Bruno a hug and is like " SO we gonna talk about Bruno?" He apologizes and tells everyone that he'll help fix their house and as soon as they finish the house, it does a factory reset, resetting all their rooms and restoring the magic! This was a great movie filled with amazing details and great talent from the voice actors. Over all, a nine out of ten just because of abuela being really naggy and annoying.

If you haven't already seen Encanto I don't feel bad for spoiling it,

By Lucia Bruccoleri

To All the Boys I Loved Before

Could you imagine all of your crushes that you have had found out you loved them...and all at once?! Well, a high schooler named Lara Jean Song Covey had this happen to her. Now lets start form the beginning. Shy and innocent Lara Jean has never dated a boy. But, she has definitely had crushes, like all of us. But for her, her imagination goes so far to write pretend love letters to her crushes, all 5 of them. She does, but never sends them. Keeps these 5 letters sealed in a box in the back of her closet, to see how powerful she used to feel. They were: a kid from camp, a kid from Model UN, someone from a dance, someone who she kissed in seventh grade during spin the bottle, and her older sister (Margot)'s ex boyfriend/neighbor, Josh. One night, while our love thirsty teenager was napping, her little troublemaker sister Kitty went to see what all of this secretive drama was about and looks inside the round teal box, the one containing the letters. Kitty sends them out, without telling her older sister. The next morning at school, Lara Jean realizes that her letters were no longer her own. For the few boys that did still go to the same high school, they all found out. But to cover it all up, she kissed one boy and talked to everyone else like Peter Kavinsky, one of five love letter recipients, was her boyfriend. To make Peter's ex mad and to make Lara Jean seem taken, they both agreed to be a "couple." Then, with enough time together with their families and friends, at parties and at school, they fall in love. "You gonna break my heart, Covey?" Peter says looking into her deep dark eyes, his arms wrapped around her. They are officially real, PK and LJ are a couple, and for real this time! To find out more, read the book collection of 3 books or binge watch the series on Netflix, starring Lana Condor and Noah Centineo.

By Sophia Espiritu

Cobra Kai

Disclaimer* Cobra Kai is a show not a movie but its too good not to talk about

By Lucia Bruccoleri

Season four has just dropped. Let me just say, it was action packed, totally bizarre, and unexpected. Lets start off with the beginning. Steele is back, and eagle fang and Miagi-do have merged. Robby has merged with cobra kai, and for some reason the La Russo's haven't pressed charges on Tory and the other cobras for breaking into their home. A new cobra arises. His name is Kenny and his brother Sean was friends with Robby in juvy. The funny thing is that the reason he joined was because the La Russo"s son bullied him for dancing at the bus stop. During this time, Danny and Johnny switch classes and it gets a little hectic, Johnny and Danny end up having a fight and split dojo's. About this time, the all valley tournament is coming forward, with some new changes. Girl and boy champions, along with skill challenges. Cobra Kai wins the skill challenge, with Miagi-do in second. Tory, the girl with a hard life that nobody seems to like, becomes the first female champion, along with hawk. Winning Miagi-do second place. Cobra Kai won the bet. Miagi-do and eagle fang have to go bye-bye. But will they?


The Addams family is a classic story, and here we have a Netflix show with Wednesday, the daughter of Morticia and Gomez. Yes, this is the movie tab but I will still write about the show streaming now. Usually when we think of her, she is a kid, around 9-11. She is sent to Nevermore High, and goes through adventures that could end her life and ability to attend school. She sacrifices herself for her friends and family, a true act of leadership, deep inside we should all try to be like Wednesday, selfless and a bit gothic. 

                                                Written by: Sophia Espiritu

Schitt's Creek

Schitts Creek is about a family, the Roses who got embezzled. They were stripped of their money and had to move down to Schitts Creek. Roland Schitt (..yes, that's a pun) is the mayor and Jocelyn Schitt is his wife. (..another pun.) Stevie Budd is the main (and only) worker at the motel they move into, she eventually becomes the owner. Now, let me introduce the Roses. First, we have David Rose, the obvious best, but hey, that's just my opinion, then we have her snotty sister Alexis Rose, who EVENTUALLY becomes nice, but ooh girl does it take some time, the father Johnny Rose, who is infamous for giving bad gifts, then we have the mother, Moira Rose, who is a very well known actress. When they first get there Johnny and Moira has a leak over their bed. So, not a great start but it gets better. Plus, it's not like they have a choice, is it? It eventually gets solved and Stevie and David date for a week. Then they break up and decide it's better off to just be friends. Time skip, David meets Patrick (what I watched it for. Hey, gay relationships are adorable.) and as I just mentioned, they are absolutely adorable together. They love each other then dislike each other, then get engaged, yay! Marriage.  That's just an introduction, you should watch the show if you're allowed (It's TV-MA)

By Emily Albert

How to Get Away with Murder

Written By; Emily Albert

How to get away with murder is a story with our main character Wes who.. killed somebody. To put it shortly. To 'make up' for it he goes to classes that the teacher calls How To Get Away with Murder. No, no. she does not literally teach them how to kill someone. She teaches them about criminals and if they're guilty or not. they then use the information to use in court. the teachers name is Annalise, by the way. It's basically if criminal minds characters were inexperienced students. I suggest the show there's a lot of um, sexual.. scenes. well not a lot to be honest, but when there is it's graphic.    

When A Stranger Calls

Written By; Emily Albert

Jill Johnson is a regular babysitter who babysat the kids of Dr. Mandrakis. Everything was fine until she got a call. Being 1979 they had land lines instead of iPhones, so she had no idea who it could be. "Have you checked the children?" The voice asked. Jill hung up, dismissing the call as a joke, it wasn't uncommon to have kids, so maybe he took a lucky guess. The voice called again, and after she called the police. The police said (assuming he would call again) to keep him talking to track the number. And yep, he called again, this time she kept him talking. When the phone rang, she answered and it was the police. The call was coming from inside the house. Jill sees the intruders shadow and goes to check on the children. The children are dead. Jill is unharmed, but the children are dead. The killer is caught. After his trial he is sent to a psychiatric facility.

Elona Holmes 2

Elona opens her new detective agency! Except.. everyone doesn't want a girl detective- (remember it's the 1900's) plus her brother, Sherlock Holmes has almost all the cases. As Elona is about to close forever, a little girl comes in declaring her sister is missing! Elona is now on the case, finding murders, clues, and police after her.

Is this case bigger than it seems?

Cast: Millie Bobby Brown, Louis Patridge, Henry Cavill, etc.

Directed by: Harry Bradbeer

Available on: Netflix, On demand

Pet Sematary

Written by; Emily Albert

Hi! three things; yes, Semetary is supposed to be spelled that way it has a point in the movie which we'll get to. Also, please be aware this could make some people scared or upset, viewer discretion is advised. And when I bring up the Ross part they do not exist in the movie, I am using him and the other Rachel as an example. The FIRST Rachel I talk about when I say the characters do exist.

We start off with a family, the Creed family. We have Louis and Rachel, their kids Gage and Ellie and their pet cat Church. They recently moved into a new house and meet Jud. Ellie asks about the path in their yard and Jud says he'd tell them later. Louis goes over to his house for a drink and he asks Jud if he could tell him personally. He complies and tells him about the deadly road that separates Jud's and the Creed's house. Truckers don't see the pets so they run them over and someone has to bury them in the Pet Semetary (again, yes it's supposed to be spelt that way the sign literally says Semetary.) Whoever buries the pet is it's new owner. It does NOT matter who bought it first. If someone named Ross buys a cat but someone named Rachel buries it in the Pet Semetary it is now Rachel's cat. But here's the catch, the animal comes back to life and haunts the new owner (since Rachel now owns the cat, it will haunt her not Ross.) So, you guessed it! Church dies. Jud brings Louis to bury Church and says that Louis now owns Church. When he goes back to his house Church is there and scratches his face, confirming Louis indeed owns him now. Then, everyone is on a field and the little boy Gage loses his kite (or ball I don't remember) and gets run over by a truck. Everyone's sad and sobbing but the dad is not the brightest so he thought "hey! Jud told us how the last human buried in the pet sematary came back to life and tried to kill anyone but let's pretend we didn't hear that!" then buried Gage. You guessed it, he is now a killer and tried to kill the dad. (the mom and Ellie went to her parents house.) He really said human version of chucky though.. Anyways he has to kill the baby, and I forgot how but then RACHEL died and he clearly hasn't learned so he BURIES HER IN THE PET SEMATARY!!! So now she comes back to life and kills Louis, successfully. And honestly, I can't even feel bad he was stupid enough to bury Gage after learning about the other guy, then even though Gage tried to kill him he STILL hasn't learned then buried Rachel and now he's dead, maybe now he'll learn on why that's a bad idea.. I should also mention  that while Gage was alive he killed Jud and also the reason Rachel died, so.. 



Becky and Hunter love mountain climbing, when Becky, Hunter and her boyfriend go on a super high mountain, Becky's boyfriend falls. Becky is depressed for weeks, and Hunter- well she's nowhere to be found. A while later, Becky and her father are having an argument about a year after the accident. She is still not over him. Hunter shows up, apparently now a youtuber doing the craziest dares she can think of "To get her blood pumping" so they go to the 4th highest tower in america: The B-67 TV Tower. They go to climb, with only a backpack including water, a drone and a makeup kit.

With 2 miles of nothingness around it, they have to climb a 2,000 foot tower with a rope.

After climbing, they get stuck. Secrets start unleashing and the tension grows. Will they survive the tower and will they get help?

Cast: Virgina Gartner, Grace Coraline Currey, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Mason Gooding

Directed by: Scott mann

Available on: Netflix, Youtube on demand

The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman

Written By Emily Albert

Last time I wrote about the movie Tom & Jerry, and you would think that I have watched it again because I put a effort to write about it but I haven't so I'm gonna write about a movie I have seen numerous times and watch still, The Greatest Showman. There will be spoilers so read at your own risk. This story is about P.T Barnum! (The guy who is famous for his shows / circus hence the name The Greatest Showman) Charity was happy with her life but P.T (or Phineas) wanted more. So, he set out to form a circus. Those people were considered "freaks" (I put quotations around freaks cause they really aren't) they consisted of a bearded lady, someone who was incredibly tall, someone who was very short, someone with tattoos all over his body, someone with skin as white as snow, and more. While everything was running pretty well, P.T Barnum went to a bar and found someone named Phillip Carlyle. He tried to make him be his assistant because he didn't have anything "unique" per se, (compared to what he wanted in the circus) he kept denying it which led onto my favorite song, "The Other Side" it's a pretty good song but I'm here to tell you about the MOVIE and not the song so I'll save that for some point maybe. Anyway Phillip accepts the deal and meets the love of his life, Anne Wheeler. But her parents end up being really trashy so he almost didn't get together but then they bumped into each other, sang a song (rewrite the stars) then fell in love. When P.T went to a party the people in the circus wanted in (the bearded lady and the other "freaks") but denied them, they went out of the building then there were people rioting to "go back where you came from." so then they decided to run away from the circus and wouldn't go back. After that P.T had made a deal with someone for them to sing, but the paparazzi took a photo of them at the angle it looked like they were kissing so P.T's wife was really mad, ran away with the children then he stopped them and explained what happened. Then fast forward to when their back at the circus (the freaks P.T etc), and forgave each other there was a hate mob at the circus, and they set the circus to flames. Phillip almost died, P.T Barnum went to save him, he almost died but they survived, then P.T wanted to have the chance to watch his kids grow up, so he handed the circus down to Phillip. Then everyone lives happily ever after. P.T rides off in a carriage for some reason (I think), and that's where it ends! Have a nice day/night!

    Five Feet Apart 

By Sophia Espiritu

Five Feet Apart is a movie about 2 teenagers in love, but they have never hugged, never held hands, never even kissed each other good night. Why is this? Well, that is because these 2, Stella and Will, both have an illness called Cystic Fibrosis or CF (which I'll probably just say so I don't have to type too much. ) CF is a disease that you are essentially born with, and have it coming into this world. But, as all illnesses do, CF has a catch. It's the same rule a social distancing, but more severe. You cannot come within 6 feet or 2 yards of another person diagnosed with CF. Which means, you guessed it, Stella and Will have never even been within 1, 2, even 5 feet of one another. It all started when Stella passed by Will and his friends in a hospital room, and having a fun time. They caught up with one another, and have continued to because Stella has control issues, and Will is not willing or responsible enough to control his medication and treatments, even in the hospital. Stella fixes his medication cart, and continues to facetime him from her room as they do their medications. Stella also gets an infected g-tube and other complicated things that require surgery, which really worries Will. Then, on her YT channel, she makes a video about how people need to stay 6 feet apart from one another because a cough can travel 6 feet, and CFers cannot have saliva contact with one another. But she shows a stick that's 5 feet, and how she has been taken from by CF, as have so many others, and she decided she will steal back that final 6th food, those 12 inches of space, which has been the rule of her entire life. She has a date with Will, but then outside on the frozen lake,Stella almost drowns in that lake. Again, remember that no saliva, 6 feet apart thing? Well, Will needs to help Stella by giving CPR which also requires breathing in the mouth, saliva contact. Meantime at the hospital, they have a lung transplant waiting for Stella, and if she doesn't get them or doesn't want to get them then they will be passed on to the next person. But Will knows it is now too risky to be around Stella, and continues on to another hospital, devastating her. But that's just how life goes, no one you are with will exist forever, and no matter who it is, you will slowly drift apart whether it means moving and going to another school, or even regarding their life, we won't always be with each other forever, so we should value this time like Stella and Will did, enjoying every moment that we still have. We'll never know how long we have until then.