
Leading the learning

Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was to conduct a basic science experiment. While very basic, this lesson demonstrated to the learners how to conduct a science experiment, including a control test. This experiment looked at which washing powder would produce the best cleaning results. In this video you see the learners hand washing dirty shirts in a bucket, and repeating this process three times. Two times with different washing powders, and once with water as a control test.

Detailed Plan Here

Reflection/ Next steps

The learners found this session extremely engaging, and were really looking forward to trying the experiment. You can see in the video that all the learners wanted a turn at washing the clothes. On reflection, I wondered if multiple small experiments would have been a more fun experience for the kids. If was to repeat this ever, I would try to do this.

Things to note

The three kids who were 'dirtying' the shirts were told to find somewhere in the school where they could get dirt on the shirts, and to try dirty them all equally. I then sent a 4th kid after them with a video camera. Beyond that I didn't give them any instructions. It was just as funny and random for me watching the footage when they got back, as it looks on the video.

Learning Site Content

Washing Powder experiment

Walt: conduct a simple science experiment. 1. Read through both product descriptions - Think critically as you read about these products - Are they factual discriptions? 2. Complete the form attached to this page

- Don't share your answers, because its anonymous anyway.

3. Begin the report linked, however you will need to listen to your teachers instructions. 4. Complete the experiement with your teacher - He will tell you when to do this 5. Finish the report - Post on your blog