
Leading the learning

Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was synthesising information from across multiple sources. This required the learners to use the information from one reading and apply to it another. The last activity at the end of this unit required the learners to use information learned from both discussion, readings, as well as their own research. In this video I am mainly trying to stress the importance of sponsors to the athlete, and that strict training schedules means sponsorship money is sometimes required for living expenses. It was my expectation that the learners had already read the texts before coming to see me, and had already had some discussion around these texts using the discussion doc activity.

Detailed Plan Here

Reflection/ Next steps

This video shows the first guided session. However, we had already had a whole class discussion about some of these ideas the day before (Powerade vs Gatorade in the All Blacks). I was really impressed at the degree of understanding that the group had on the subject. In the video you can see the learners using information and showing understandings from multiple sources. This was really cool. I really enjoyed this lesson.

Learning Site Content

SponsorshipWalt: synthesise information from across multiple sources. 1. Please read all instructions carefully, both on this site and in docs. 2. Read the article "Swimmer Natalie Coughlin" 3. Complete the activity "Natalie's Swimming Routine". - Read the instructions and answer the questions/ thought provokers - Share your answers with a buddy and discuss 4. Read and explore the other extra texts - Some of these texts are difficult to understand and you may want to discuss them with a buddy. - Tricky or unknown words you come across might need to be defined using Google to help you understand what you are reading. 5. Complete the Advice blog Activity - Using your new knowledge from the different readings, answer the letter/ problem that has been sent to you. - Try to help out with as much information as possible.


