
Leading the learning

Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was to make connections with what we read with stuff that we already know. The context was zoo's and all the learners had visited at least Auckland Zoo before. For the multiple readings this week, the learners were required to think from multiple perspectives (what we have been building on all term) because the readings offered opposing views and standpoints on zoos. The goal of this lesson was to challenge the learners and let them steer the discussion, playing the devils advocate where needed.

Detailed Plan Here

Reflection/ Next steps

This video shows that the learners were deeply engaged with this topic. Although it appears to step away from the comic book theme, the perspective and perception learning that we have been using comic books to explore, was required and used by the learners throughout all the tasks and readings. All learners had had experiences with zoos, making great connections with the readings. They also were doing really well at making connections between the different readings. This topic required quite critical thought, and was difficult to think about in some instances. I thought the learners were really mature and reflective.

Learning Site Content

Zookeeper for a dayWalt: make connections with what we read with what we already know. 1. Please read all instructions carefully, both on this site and in docs. 2. Read the comic "Zookeeper for a day" - Also read the article on the stuff website "Ricky the special needs monkey" 3. Complete the padlet. - Read the instructions by your teacher and work with your group on this online platform. 4. Read the Website Reading "Peta Kids" - Discuss this article with your group - Complete the PMI about Zoo's - Share on your blog with a description about what the task is about - Make sure you give it an accurate title 5. Read the three articles: - Special needs monkey Ricky Dies - Mountain Gorilla - Cincinnati Zoo kills Gorilla to save a child 6. Complete the activity "Opinions on Zoos" - You will need to discuss this activity critically with your group. - Share on your blog

Image attribution: www.stuff.co.nz

Extra Texts

Website Reading: Peta Kids

News Website: Special needs monkey Ricky Dies

Doc: Mountain Gorilla

News Website: Cincinnati Zoo kills Gorilla to save a child


Padlet: Group Task

Drawing: PMI

Presentation: Opinions on Zoos