
Leading the learning

The learning intention for this lesson was, “Learning to make connections between texts".

This set of lessons focused on Earthquakes. Specifically, reflecting on why safety messages for Earthquakes (and other disasters) are short and simple. This video shows the learners making connections between the story we had previously read, and extended texts they had read independently from the teacher. These texts included a youtube clip, a website, and a news article about the recent February earthquake in Christchurch.

Detailed Plan Here

Reflection/ Next steps

The first thing I notice is that I as the teacher led the discussion a substantial amount more than I would have liked to, probably due to being aware of the camera. In future I would like to see the learners leading the discussion more than what we saw in this clip. I felt the learners made the connections between the different texts that I was leading them to understand quite well.

The activities were completed completely independently, including the video. In fact, the day that the learners video was filmed I was absent from school sick. The learners were given an iPad by the relieving teacher, and filmed and edited the video completely independently.

Things to Note

The location of this lesson is not the normal table I would have my reading discussions at. Although still located in the class, this particular table location was chosen for lighting purposes for the video. However, upon viewing the video it makes the lesson look inauthentic and separate to the rest of the class. I will be trying to solve this dilemma for the next video, because I think it is important to see the lesson within the whole class context, not just at the group level. It should also be noted, that yes I absolutely did explain to the class that I was going to be recording and asked them to try and carry on with their follow up tasks and reading without disturbing our lesson*. The affordances of the digital technologies and our Google site allow the learners to move onto the next piece of work without needing me to show them where to find it. I had previously seen two other groups before this lesson, and another two groups were due to see me after.

*inevitably there will always be learners who need to see the teacher at any given time as this is a classroom full of kids, not paid actors ("thank you George").

Learning Site Content

1. Please read all instructions carefully. Both instructions on the site and on your docs.

Text: Earth Quake

2. Read your story carefully

3. Watch the video "Get Thru"

Open the activity PES Get Thru Presentation. Complete the presentation with a buddy. You will need to use your chromebook webcam to take photos of you and your partner. Remember this presentation should look visually appealing, while giving accurate and descriptive safety advice.

4. After your teacher has seen your Presentation share it on your blog and begin the video plan. You do not need to make a copy, as your teacher has already shared it with you! You will need to plan your safety video carefully with your whole group on the Google doc before you start filming. Please have your teacher ok your plan before you start

Extra Texts

Website: Get Thru

Website: What is an earthquake

News Story: Christchurch Earthquake


Google Presentation: PES Get Thru

Google Doc: Get Thru Saftey Video plan

Presentation: Example Presentation

Learner Created Content






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