
Leading the learning

Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson to write quality blog comments. We re-visit this lesson ideally once a term, as it is important within the culture of Manaiakalani and our Cyber Smart curriculum that learners know what these are. In this lesson I have asked the learners to write their own blog comments, but have then asked volunteers to share their comments to the class.

Detailed Plan Here

Reflection/ Next steps

The beginning of this video shows a hilarious class social experiment to see how the kids would arrange the class. While I could understand that working on one large combined table would be fun and appreciated their design, it didn't leave much room to walk past. Therefore I later had to redesign the table placement, but left it for this lesson. The learners did well on this task, and most had a good understanding about quality blog commenting from previous learning. I think sharing the comments aloud to the class was fun element, that most of the kids really enjoyed. When I reflected on this, I realised that this is something I should be doing more of throughout the year.

Learning Site Content

Quality Blog CommentingWalt: write quality blog comments

Instructions: 1. This week we are going to be commenting on Room 6's blog at Tamaki Primary School. - With a friend:

    • Find something that they do, which is different to what we do at PES.

    • Look through their blog.

    • Find out what year level these students are.

    • Find out where their school is.

2. Read the presentation Quality blog commenting

- Using the presentation to help you write a quality blog comment on a blog post that you like from a kid in Room 6 at Tamaki Primary School

- Check your comment with a friend BEFORE posting

3. Reply to a comment on one of your own blog posts

- Even your reply needs to be a quality one