Life and Career Readiness

Life and Career Readiness Recommended Grade Level: 12th Grade-All Students

Length of Course: 1 Semester (90 Minute Block)

Course Description: Through this combined course students will gain the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions as they assume adult roles and responsibilities. These decisions are organized into three broad categories: financial literacy, relationship literacy, life/work literacy. The focus is on the knowledge and skills young adults need to become independent, responsible, and engaged members of society, with emphasis on the next 5-10 years of their life.

Programs of Study:

Clothing Concentration-Consumer Services Pathway-Human Services Cluster

Home Furnishings Concentration-Consumer Services Pathway-Human Services Cluster

Counseling and mental Health Services Pathway

Nutrition Concentration-Family and Community Services Pathway-Human Services Cluster

Wellness Concentration-Personal Care Services Pathway-Human Services Cluster

Family Resources Concentration- Personal Care Services Pathway-Human Services Cluster

Financial Literacy

FCS 14.1 Explore factors that influence financial planning.

14.1.1 Identify and explore personal values as well as those of society.

14.1.2 Demonstrate the decision making process in setting financial goals.

14.1.3 Analyze how career choice, level of education and skills, and economics conditions impact lifestyle and financial goals.

FCS 14.2 Analyze the need and befits of developing a lifetime financial plan through a simulated experience.

14.2.1 Identify and implement the steps in developing a personal financial plan. (earning, spending, saving/investing)

14.2.2 Analyze the factors that affect financial planning throughout the life cycle.

14.2.3 Identify the sources, benefits and costs of credit; compare terms and conditions of credit; evaluate factors of creditworthiness; explain purpose and components of credit records including how to protect a credit rating; examine ways to avoid and correct credit problems. (Including purchasing a vehicle)

14.2.4 Compare investment and savings alternatives, identify sources of investment information, and analyze factors affecting the rate of return on investments and savings.

14.2.5 Analyze factors that affect housing decisions throughout the lifecycle

(renting vs. buying).

14.2.6 Describe the role of insurance (auto, home, life, health, disability) in protecting against financial loss.

FCS 14.3 Examine consumer rights, responsibilities and protection.

14.3.1 Describe the rights and responsibilities of consumer and businesses in a variety of settings, including when using emerging technologies. (on-line purchases)

14.3.2 Identify fraudulent practices and schemes and determine ways to avoid them and deal with repercussions. (identify theft, computer security)

14.3.3 Identify agencies that protect consumers and that regulate financial institutions and processes and demonstrate knowledge of how to access their services.

14.3.4 Describe the role of professional advisors and how to evaluate and select their services.

Life/Work Literacy

FCS 14.4 Develop strategies for life-long career planning and work.

14.4.1 Analyze the driving forces/factors for working (living for work vs. working to live) and career choices

14.4.2 Demonstrate career preparation (job application, resume, cover letter, interviews)

14.4.3 Investigate and evaluate career choices in relation to life management plan

14.4.4 Investigate sexual harassment in the workplace.

Relationship Literacy

FCS 14.5 Interpret the impact of heredity, environment, emotions and attitudes on personal development.

14.5.1 Identify stages of development (life cycle) throughout the life span.

14.5.2 Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to the life span.

14.5.3 Examine life span experiences and their influence on personal identity.

FCS 14.6 Analyze the impact of the family as a system on individuals and society.

14.6.1 Identify the basic functions of families within society.

14.6.2 Describe the influences on the family in preserving one’s culture and transmitting traditions.

14.6.3 Evaluate parenting practices and their impact on individuals, families and society.

FCS 14.7 Evaluate effective conflict prevention and conflict resolution techniques.

14.7.1 Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies.

14.7.2 Evaluate alternative methods of solving problems, accomplishing tasks and consequences for actions.

FCS 14.8 Demonstrate appropriate communication skills that contribute to positive relationships.

14.8.1 Describe techniques that will promote effective personal communication (listening, writing, nonverbal).

14.8.2 Analyze how personal values, attitudes, skills and behavior affect interpersonal communication (ethics and etiquette)

14.8.3 Evaluate appropriate and inappropriate methods of interacting with others in personal workplace and community settings.

FCS 14.9 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy family, social and workplace relationships.

14.9.1 Identify personal character traits that contribute to positive relationships and healthy lifestyles.

14.9.2 Examine characteristics and behaviors associated with domestic abuse and violence.

14.9.3 Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy relationships.

FCS 14.10 Analyze components of wellness across the lifespan.

14.10.1 Describe dimensions of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, mental and occupation wellness.

14.10.2 Predict how lifestyle choices will affect personal wellness and health (abstinence/pregnancy/STIs/BSE/TSE).

FCS 14.11 Analyze the impact of crisis on families, finances, and futures.

14.11.1 Define and explore the elements of crisis.

14.11.2 Recognize physical, emotional, social, spiritual, mental and occupational crisis.

14.11.3 Develop strategies and techniques for crisis management.

FCS 14.12 Identify life/work stress and demonstrate management strategies for individuals, families and workplace environments.

14.12.1 Examine internal and external origins of personal stress and how individuals respond to stress in different ways.

14.12.2 Identify stressors in the family and in the workplace and describe the interrelationships.

14.12.3 Identify effects of stress on individuals’ health, in workplace environments and on family life.

14.12.4 Develop strategies and techniques to effectively manage stress.

FCS 14.13 Describe issues that impact family and lifestyle balance and strategies that which encourage balance.

14.13.1 Describe the historical perspective of separating life, family and work.

14.13.2 Analyze the impact of occupational demands on family life and describe strategies which enable a balance between family and work.

Click here for weekly lesson plans.

Following a unit on Dating Violence, one group of students created the below PSA in order to educate youth and adults on dating violence.

Following a unit on Identity Theft, students were asked to create a video/commercial/PSA or song concerning the topic.

Mock Interviews in Progress!

--Students rotated among the 13 tables to gain more interview experience!!

Life and Career Essentials students in Mrs. Jacobsen’s class this year had the opportunity to enhance their interview skills by participating in a massive Mock Interview this year. The eighteen juniors and seniors took turns rotating through thirteen different interviewers who sat at tables located in the Pirate gym. The interviewers manned with a portfolio consisting of a student written job specification sheet (described job student was applying for), job application, cover letter, and resume, conducted approximately 10-15 minute interviews and followed up by providing students with advice on interviews.

To prepare for the Mock Interviews students first learned and demonstrated how to complete job applications and then to write cover letters and resumes. Next, students reviewed job interview techniques and held mock interviews with classmates. The Mock Interview was their final “test” to demonstrate their grasp of knowledge on the interview process.

“Interviewing is one of the essential life and career skills that I believe all students must have,” explained Jacobsen. “Because interviews can be “scary” and vary so much in procedure, I felt that it was important for students to gain as much experience as they could. This is why I contacted so many people in the surrounding communities to assist with the process. The Mock Interviewers consisted of people from the Plainview, Norfolk, and Neligh communities and businesses. By the end of the class period, students ended up with three interviews each.”

“Comments from the interviewers were consistent with the fact that we have great students, however, they need to work on typical issues such as maintaining eye contact, being able to provide examples of their strengths, and provide “polish” to their portfolios and appearance,” stated Jacobsen. “I was very proud of how serious the students took the mock interviews and the discussions that have occurred since. I appreciate the professionals who took time away from their day to conduct the interviews and provide such well-written and verbal advice to the students. This truly was a positive experience for them.”

Students had several comments about the experience which included… “I was so nervous”, “Wow, I nailed that interview”, “I blew that one!”, “I want to go again! Give me the hardest interviewer you have!!”, “Can they really ask THAT question, I thought it was illegal?”, and of course “Can I take off my tie now?”.

Students spent time in class preparing for the interviews by conducting interviews amongst themselves.