Human Growth and Development

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Human Growth and Development

Recommended Grade Level: 9-10 grade

Length of Course: 1/2 Semester (90 Minute Block)

Course Description: During this course students will study human development (physical, mental, emotional and social) from infant through the entire life span. How to develop positive interactions with along with guiding the development of each age range will also be include. Much focus will be placed on adolescence and young adulthood. This is a prerequisite for Early Childhood I, Early Childhood II, and Introduction to Education.

Programs of Study:

Teaching/Training Pathway – Education and Training Cluster

Early Childhood Development and Services Pathway– Human Services Cluster

Counseling and Mental Health Services Pathway– Human Services Cluster

Wellness Concentration Personal Care Services – Human Services Cluster.

FCS 4.1 Describe principles of human growth and development.

4.1.1 Describe physical development across the lifespan.

4.1.1A Observe the gross (large-muscle) and fine motor (small muscle) skills in individuals in different developmental stages

4.1.1B Compare and contrast current and emerging research and theories about physical development across the lifespan

4.1.1C Evaluate the role of play in physical development and illustrate how its related all areas of development

4.1.1D Investigate the physical changes and challenges faced by individuals throughout the lifespan

4.1.2 Describe emotional/ social growth and development across the lifespan.

4.1.2A Compare and contrast current and emerging research and theories about emotional/social development across the lifespan

4.1.2B Define attachment theory and describe its relationship to emotional/social development

4.1.2C Investigate the need for relationships and human connections throughout the lifespan.

4.1.2D Investigate personality and temperament evaluation tools.

4.1.3 Describe cognitive growth and development throughout the lifespan.

4.1.3A Compare and contrast current and emerging research and theories about cognitive development across the lifespan, including brain development theory

4.1.3B Investigate language development from infants through adolescence ment

4.1.3C Distinguish between Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Develop

4.1.3D Identify strategies to continue stimulating intellectual development throughout the lifespan

FCS 4.2 Examine conditions that influence human growth and development.

4.2.1 Describe the effect of heredity and environment on human growth and development.

4.2.2 Describe the effects of gender, ethnicity, and culture on individual development.

4.2.3 Describe the effects of life events and/or situations on individuals’ physical, intellectual, social, moral, and emotional development.

4.2.4 Analyze the influences of social, economic, technological, geographic, and political factors on development

FCS 4.3 Analyze strategies that promote growth and development across the life span.

4.3.1 Describe the role of nurturance on human growth and development

4.3.2 Describe the role of communication on human growth and development.

4.3.3 Describe the role of family and community support systems in meeting human growth and development needs.