OEU 4 Mod B

Take a Stand!

OEU 4 Mod B~ Take a Stand!

I can...

    • I can tell the difference between what I think and what an author writes.

R.I 3.6

    • I can write to share my opinion.


    • Can plan, edit, and revise my writing with the help of peers and adults.

W. 3.5

    • I can ask and answer questions about information I hear from another speaker.


    • Can find real life connections between words and their use.

L. 3.5(b)

    • Can read third grade words that are not spelled in a regular way.

R.F. 3.3(d)

    • Can identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and suffixes

R.F. 3.3(a)

    • Can read fluently, accurately, and with expression.

R.F. 3.4

Overview: During this module students will get a chance to read a social justice issue book of their choice that relates to a real-life struggle or issue they are facing. They will then try some of the techniques suggested in the book and decide of they work for them or not. Based on this they will then write and opinion paper. Along the way we will also focus on prefixes, suffixes, and point of view.