OEU 1 Mod B

Caring about Characters

OEU 1 Mod B- Caring about Characters

I can....

    • use a dictionary to check and correct my spelling and to understand the meaning of words.


    • write for different purposes, audiences and topics, as well as, stay focused and organized in my writing with support. Focus: Narrative


    • ask and answer questions to show that I understand the stories that I am reading.


    • explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in different sentences.


    • effectively participate in discussions by being prepared, following appropriate rules, staying on topic and explaining my own ideas and thoughts.


Module Overview~

The first week of the module we will work on character traits. Looking at what a character trait is, inside versus outside character traits and stations to practice these. Next, we will move into questioning(R.L. 3.1 and S.L. 3.1) We will begin with an over view of what that is and looks like. Then students will get the chance to practice this in groups/partners while they read a JigSaw Jones book. Along the way we will be working on their narrative writing piece taking it step by step. I will model each part(introduction, body, conclusion) before students are asked to do this on their own.(W. 3.3)

Character Traits!