OEU 1 Mod C

Information Experts

OEU 1 Mod C~ Informational Experts

I can...

    • write for different purposes, audiences and topics, as well as, stay focused and organized in my writing with support.

Focus: Informational Articles (Main Idea & Detail) W3.4

    • use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs correctly in my speech and writing.


    • find the main idea and show how it is supported with details in the text.


    • compare and contrast the most important points and details in two pieces of information about the same topic.


    • organize a short research project.


Module Overview:

During this unit students will be able to choose an animal of interest to conduct a short research project on. One of the main focuses during their research is to identify main idea and supporting detail. The other main focus is to compare and contrast. How does their animal compare and contrast to other animals similar to it. At the end of this module students will compile a research flap book question/answer style.( i.e. what do they eat, where do they live, adaptation(special features), what do they look like, etc.)

Compare/Contrast Activities