OEU 4 Mod A

Did you know...?

OEU 4 Mod A ~ Did you Know...

I can....

    • I can show what I have learned from nonfiction illustrations and text by answering questions about where, when, why and how.

R.I. 3.7

    • I can ask and answer questions to show that I understand the information that I am reading.

R.I. 3.1

    • I can write to inform and explain ideas.

W. 3.2

Overview: In this module students will start by looking at different illustrations in nonfiction text and demonstrating how the illustration and the text help them to better understand what they have read. Next, we will move into question and answering. Students will review the six question words and how to answer a question by restating the question in the answer. We will then move into our writing which will be a group research project on the 5 US regions. Students will get into groups and each person will be in charge of researching a certain topic for a specific region. In the end students will create a Google slide of their region to present to the class.

Question and Answer