OEU 1 Mod A

Building Routines and Habits

OEU 1 Mod A~ Building Routines

I can....

    • explain how nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs work in different sentences.

L. 3.1(a)

    • capitalize beginning words and proper nouns, as well as those in titles.

L.3.2 (a)

    • read with Sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.


Module Overview:

In this module we will be working establishing our classroom rules, expectation and routines. Academically we will focus on capital letter in titles(books, magazines, movies) and parts of speech.

Along with these we will also be working with topic words and power verbs. These are new vocabulary words that come up during each unit/module. These are words students should become familiar with and use when having (academic)conversations with one another. We will also learn how to pick a good fit book at the library using the anchor chart to the right as our guide.