Invasive Species

LESSON #1 : Invasive Species

Research Project: Zebra Mussels download task here

- Google Search Ideas....

- Zebra Mussels in Ontario

- Impacts of Zebra Mussels in Ontario

- Zebra Mussels Damage Ontario

- Where do Zebra Mussels come from?

- Map of Zebra Mussels in Canada

- Invasive Species in Canada

- Map of Invasive Species in Canada.

Helpful sites

- Distribution Maps of invasive species in Ontario.

- Zebra Mussels Ontario

CLIPS on Invasive Species


1) Ontario Invasive Species :

- Use the Handout to fill in some notes

LESSON #2 : Invasive Species Research Project

Research Project: Zebra Mussels

) Distribution Maps of invasive species in Ontario.
