3.3 Consumption and Waste



Download Notes Worksheet here

Critical Thinking Component:

Think about what is fact and what is personal opinion in this clip.

When you see or read information, it is important to think about what

you are learning. If you wanted to debate a topic like "Oil /Tar Sands" in Alberta,

you should read everything you can get your hands on from both sides.

Below you will find a clip that will help you understand some of the

impacts of industrialization on modern society.

We will be reading other articles to ensure you have a balanced view of the



1) Be sure to note which parts of this clips you believe are opinion and

which are fact based. Give an example of each.

2) Is it OK to use American information to learn about a Canadian Issue?

3) What parts do you believe are part of Biased point of view, ?

4) What do you believe to be the important lessons taught by this clip about

the consumption of goods by consumers?

5) Is the goal of this clip to:

A) Cause fear

B) Offer valuable information to help you be better stewards of our resources

C) Give you a one sided biased opinion that can hurt or endanger you

D) Make industry (big business) look bad

6) What would you say if you were the President of Apple, Nike shoes, or Microsoft.

Would they have a different way of looking at this issue? Which parts would they

say is not realistic?

7) If someone from the CIA was paranoid and told you not to watch this clip because the

information in this clip would brainwash you or hurt you, what would you say?

8) Is it OK for some people to tell you what to think? What you should buy?

What shows you should watch or what you should learn?

9) Do you think this information is created by people who hate big business?

CLIP #1: Consider the questions above as you watch this. Then Watch clip 2.

CLIP #2: Consider the same questions from above as you watch this clip.


Which clip to do you "believe" the most?

What do you think of the goal of the information was

in each clip?

1) Did they want you to think about things?

2) Did they try to make you believe ..

"My way is the only right way to think about this topic!"

3) What did you "learn about" in each clip?

What were the presenters trying to teach you?

Which one taught you the most important lessons?

4) Did both clips treat you like you were intelligent?

Why or why not.

LESSON #3: Literacy Corner


Read the following Article and Answer these Questions

1. Throw Away Society

- Guided Reading Worsksheet (WS)

- Garbage Assignment

99% of Swedens Garbage is Recycled.

2. Canadians Produce the most garbage


2 min

Water Brothers : Plastic Ocean