Google Earth Tour Overview


Google Touring is very easy. Just follow this simple guide. If you want to create your own tours take this easy tutorial.

    1. You need is a working installation of Google Earth on your computer and a working broadband connection. Go to to get it.
    2. If you cannot or don't want to install Google Earth, you can see a reduced functionality in-browser view with the Google Maps version link on the tour page.
  1. When you click on Download this tour, you will be asked if you want to open it in Google Earth. Hit Ok or Open and Google Earth will load with the selected tour. If you simpy get asked to download the file to disk, then download it to a local folder, Fire up Google Earth, and go to File -> Open and open the .kmz file that you downloaded.
    1. Next, find the tour and list of destinations in the Places pane, usually under Temporary Places. Make sure the box is ticked to enable the tour and click on the little arrows to expand the list:


City Attractions (139)

Nature (67)

Tour Alerts

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  1. Next, click on the first entry under the .kmz folder. All the entries should be ticked:
  1. Finally, to play the tour, just hit the little play button, sit back and enjoy the show. Alternatively, double-click on the locations in the list to jump straight to them. See below for an important note on taking the tours.
  1. When at a location, use the left mouse button to move around, the middle button to adjust your viewpoint (stunning in mountain scenery), and the riht mouse button to zoom in and out. Or use the navigation buttons under the main image.
  1. Important note
    1. Sometimes during an auto-guided tour, the image might not render before it moves on and simply shows as a blur. This problem is caused by the time it takes to get images from the GE servers. In this case, you should click on the locations manually then once loaded you can start the tour again. GE does not yet allow the tour speed to be set within the .kmz file, so be patient for now. Hopefully the Google guys add this in soon.

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