Sustainable Ecosystems

Then I thought about it, put on my metacognition hat, and quickly looked over the CGC 1P Curriculum

and realized that it would be the knowledge piece that would be used to access the thinking piece of the curriculum

It was the knowledge piece needed to explore what impacts we have on natural habitat and the

species that live there. The metacognition and assessment piece would be a mind map.

The point is, if you understand the parts of an Ecosytem and their interconnectiveness you will better understand your impacts on it. So the assessment focus would be "List the various ways that we affect each element of a natural ecosystem with our human made environments".... go to a mind map of an ecosystem and all its elements and

make connections to various ways each part is affected by humans. The mind map becomes the assessment

piece demonstrating meta-cognition.

Ask thinking questions like: "Is there a value to preserving a small pond when Canada has over 9 000 000 acres of land that are not inhabited

and is wild? Should we thousands of dollars or even cancel the building of a road to save a rare turtle?

Trust me when I say that any one project, task, issue analysis will easily cover 1/2 the CGC 1P

curriculum if you let it!

It can directly connect to the following Overall and Specific Expectations (and others...)

I listed a few.

B1.3 analyse some environmental, economic, and social impacts of changes in Canada’s climate

(e.g., effects of drought on crop production in the Prairies; effects of less sea ice on Inuit communities,

Arctic shipping routes, and wildlife habitat;

B3.1 describe the natural characteristics (e.g.,landscape, weather, drainage, vegetation, wildlife)

of their local area or region, and explain their significance for the region

Sample questions: “What would you consider to be the three most important natural features

in your community? What makes them important to the community? Should the community

ensure that they are preserved?”

C1.4 develop a personal plan of action that supports the idea of stewardship of resources

Sample questions: “How might one’s personal beliefs influence one’s use of resources?” “What

can you as an individual do to make better use of our natural resources? How can calculating

your ecological footprint help you do this?”

D1.1 assess economic, social, and environmental impacts of major population trends in Canada

today - New developments in already large urban areas encroach on green space.

E:2.1: analyse interrelationships between the built and natural environments

Sample questions: “Why are many communities built on the shoreline of a body of water?

E2.4 analyse the impact of a selected project on a community (e.g., residential or resort

development, urban renewal, installation of water and waste management systems, creation

of a park or recreational site, addition of bike lanes on major streets, opening of a mine near

a reserve community)

Sample questions: “If you were planning on moving to a new community, why would it be

important for you to check on future plans for the community?” “Why might it be worthwhile

to attend a planning meeting about a proposed project in your community? What could you do

to voice your ideas?”