2. Mapping Skills

Subpages (11):

1.1 Maps Lie

1. Map Types & Directions

2.3 Water Sheds

2. Compass Direction and Angular Bearings

3. Map Grids & Lat & Long

3. Map Scale

4. Remote Sensing

5. GPS Geospacial Technology

How a Compass Works

Topographic Mapping

LESSON 1: Maps Lie

1) What do maps tell you?

2) What do you see??

2) Do maps Lie: Clip

3) Compass APP suggestions :

1) Commander Compass Lite

2) HD Compass


Lesson #1: Introduction to Latitude and Longitude

Lesson #2: Latitude and Longitude Notes

Lesson #3: Topographic Mapping

Lesson #4: Watersheds Topographic Mapping Activity