A Unit 4.4 Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters Research

Natural disasters can affect all of us.

Images of Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters Research

Natural disasters can affect all of us.

Your task is to research a natural disaster (other than Japan's earthquake) and create a teaching platform others can use to learn about the disaster.

Your research can be done in any medium (way) you want after it is approved by your teacher.

Presentation Style Options (must be approved by teacher):

- Web page

- Graphic novel

- Poster presentation

- Model (+ Poster/site etc...)

- "Science Class" live experiment with other piece ( poster presentation etc...)

- Workbook (glue pictures, images, words etc into it..)

- Make a movie (Story board needed to be submitted regularly)

- Create a Google Map fly by with Wiki posting as you go...

Your Presentation will need several things including words, images, graphs/charts and maps, among other things.

These parts of the presentation could be different webpages, chapters, sections, based on the method you use to present....

You will explain/explore TYPEs of disasters, using examples of an event from the recent past (no more than 5 years ago)

1) Title picture: A picture is worth a thousand words!

You will a picture as a starting point, to engage the reader.

Something that will make them interested in knowing and learning about

what happened. All images are expected to be respectable and appropriate for

any age group (Grade 1 and up).

2) Title with more pictures.

3) Explanation/ definition for what a natural disaster is.

4) A mention (with examples) of other types of disasters

(other than your own)

- Each example will have sentence that explains the process behind that type of

disaster with a picture and a reference to one that occurred.

(Eg. Tsunami is a giant wave caused by an earthquake.

The wave hits shore at high speed, flooding and destroying as it moves inland)

5) The Earth "Science" behind the event....

What causes your type of disaster: the storm, the event, the earthquake etc...

- Textbook like explanation.

- include drawings, detailed outline explanation of the event, maps.!!!!

6) Find one Canadian Natural Disaster to focus on as your major example if

possible. You must connect your type of disaster (not necessarily your

example) to some effects in Canada.

- FAQ about an Event that occurred recently (within 5 years):

7). What are the long term impacts of this event, real and potential

- How has things, life changed for those involved in the event

- Think about life (not just human..) life before and after the event.

8) What would the impact be here, on people, the city etc... if,

hypothetically this event occurred here.

-just pretend you live where the event occurred, and go from there).

Use your own words and design, cut and paste not acceptable!!!!!


Rubric: To be designed by the class.

Background: Are key facts accurate and adequate

Example: Relevant, Canadian Impact/Effects

Pictures: Maps charts, graphs, images, etc... , relevant and accurate

Presentation: Are all areas of research completed to accurately and in-depth?

Connections: Made between event and their effects/ damage?

Before and after pictures and explanations are strong

Analysis: Scenario: Disaster Impact here.....

- Diary of your experiences during the event...

Possible Areas to research:

- Only 2 people at most per disaster, no one at the same table

Geologic Disasters

- Avalanches

- Earthquakes

- Volcanic eruptions

Hydrological (Water) Disasters

- Floods

- Droughts

Meteorological (Weather) Disasters

- Blizzards

- Cyclonic (Tornado) storms

- Tropical Hurricane/cyclones

- Ice Storms

- Heat waves

- Wildfires