Coronavirus - International Travel FAQ

Post date: Mar 10, 2020 5:48:40 PM


Q: Who is affected by the NYU memorandum on international travel?

A: Anyone who is receiving or might be receiving NYU funding (including any Arts & Science funding or funding administered by Arts & Science, including faculty research funds) to support a trip or project that involves international travel is affected by this policy.

Q: Is domestic travel within the United States affected?

A: At present, no, the policy does not affect domestic travel within the United States. However, NYU leadership is closely monitoring the safety risks associated with various types of travel. The current policy is subject to change and could be expanded in the future. Please keep an eye out for any timely updates.

Q: Can NYU funds be used for non-NYU guests to travel internationally to the United States for academic or other professional activities at Arts & Science? Should international travel for guests be cancelled? Are new bookings allowed?

A: While the policy does not apply to in-bound international travel [except for countries such as China and Iran with US entry restrictions; please refer to the CDC website at for information and updates], given the quickly changing restrictions that countries may impose, and in an abundance of caution, it is strongly recommended that departments consider rescheduling or postponing visits and consider teleconference or other alternatives for remote participation.

Q: How does the policy affect Arts & Science community members' NYU-funded international travel that is currently underway?

A: Community members that are already currently abroad on NYU funded international travel may continue as planned. If you have not done so already, it is recommended that you register your trip with NYU Traveler so that NYU Public Safety can help in case of emergency. Expenses for trips already underway will be reimbursed upon return to campus.

Q: Do all bookings for future NYU-funded international travel by Arts & Science community members need to be actively cancelled? Or is a "wait-and-see" approach allowed?

A: Existing international travel bookings that have not yet taken place should be cancelled. No new bookings should be made. Many airlines are providing refunds or credit vouchers. Travelers should first seek refunds (see sample cancellation letter later in this document) or credit vouchers to be used for future travel. In these cases, reimbursement of cancellation fees follows the normal expense reimbursement policies of the university.

Q: Am I permitted to make bookings for international travel now and then seek reimbursement from NYU at a later date if the NYU policy on international travel changes?

A: No, such reimbursement requests will be denied. Please do not make any bookings for international travel if you intend to seek NYU funding to support your trip.

Q: Can funds be used to support research/academic activities abroad if the travel itself is funded by another source?

A: No, for the time being, NYU funds cannot be used to support projects that involve international travel outside the United States by Arts & Science community members. The one exception is for international travel that is currently underway.

Q: If I have already planned an NYU-funded international trip or am hoping to be able to make an NYU-funded international trip between now and the end of August, should I report this to anyone?

A: In an abundance of caution and exercise in prudence, it is not recommended that any international travel should be considered for the time being.

Q: What is considered international travel?

A: Any travel requiring a passport is considered international. Puerto Rico and other US Territories are not considered international.


March 3, 2020

To Whom it May Concern:

Due to increasing incidents of the COVID-19 coronavirus around the world, as of March 3, 2020, New York University has informed all employees that non-essential travel expenses will not be reimbursed.

Faculty members are advised to present this letter to travel vendors when requesting refunds, waivers of cancellation fees, and related costs.

Please contact me with any questions.


Chair or Dean


Credit for sharing portions of these FAQs and Sample Letter goes to Diane Bennett at ISAW and Neil Rader at Stern.