H to I: Fredericksburg, TX to Balmorhea, TX

January 5, 2010

Well rested and armed with lots of literature about Texas, we set off west along US 290 to I-10. We got a pretty late start, but by late afternoon we had made it quite far along the desolate but visually spectacular I-10 corridor through West Texas. Emily looked up restaurants in Fort Stockton, and found Mi Casita, a delicious and affordable restaurant quite close to the freeway and very close to the giant roadrunner statue that greets you as you enter town. Once again, the table next to us were local cops, indicating that we were in the most popular place in town. We continued to west, not sure if we should sleep in Balmorhea (there was a state park, but the rates were pretty steep) or continue to a RV park in Fort Davis. Fort Davis temperatures were predicted to be about 10 degrees lower than Balmorhea, so we stopped at an RV park behind a gas station in Balmorhea and asked if we could stay. The nice girl said we could, but that she was going to be locking up the bathrooms for the night because of the cold temperatures. She suggested we go to her grandma's motel and camp there. We found the motel, and her grandma, who was really nice and very apologetic that we could not stay there because she too had cut off the water because she was worried about freezing temperatures. She suggested that we go over to "the lake" - Lake Balmorhea. So we found a spot by the lake that was empty and never found someone to pay. A locals only place for sure.

Links: Mi Casita, Lake Balmorhea

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