A to B to C: Summer Lake Hot Springs to Silver Lake, OR to campspot in Fremont National Forest near Cowboy Dinner Tree

August 4, 2011

We wanted to sleep in, but woke up by 8am. We had another nice chat with Duane, the owner, who showed us the cabins they were building around the property. They hope for it to be used as a retreat in the winter. We soaked again both in the bathhouse and the little stone pools outside, showered and got ready to leave. It felt really nice to be so clean and relaxed. We plan on returning there for sure. Before we left, Max was able to score us a reservation at the Cowboy Dinner Tree for 4pm - apparently they are so well known that we should have booked weeks in advance but we were lucky today. We drove back south to Paisley, OR to have a late breakfast at the Pioneer Saloon and Restaurant. Max learned from the chalkboard above the counter that custom dictates you can leave your hat on at the bar, but must take it off at the table. We were sitting at a table, so he took it off. The nice teenager took our orders and brought us the best breakfast we had had so far on the trip - generous, delicious portions of farm fresh eggs and bacon for a fair price. Melani at the Summer Lake Hot Springs had told us that there was a water pump in front of the ranger station in Paisley so we stopped by for some water and a map of the Fremont National Forest. The ranger in the office told us that most of the roads through the forest were well paved or graded gravel and it looked like we could cut through the forest to get to the Lava Beds National Monument instead of going back on 31 to Lakeview and then west on 299. By this time it was getting late in the day so instead of visiting Abert Rim and the Old Perpetual geyser as planned we decided to put it off for another trip. You can do anything you want... Max was right, buying a postcard of something before you go see it does doom you! We drove back to Silver Lake, where the woman working at the grocery had told Emily was a second-hand store. We walked into Nana's Nook - a small house packed with amazingly-well organized second hand items. We spent an hour and a half in there and could have spent more time. By giving up our original plan to stay an extra day to chance getting to eat an awesome meal in a cabin in the woods, we happened onto a fantastic store that is only open on Thursday afternoons - when we were there. It seemed like our new plan was a good one.

We were ten minutes late to our reservation due to dallying at the store, but were warmly welcomed at the Cowboy Dinner Tree. Max had an Arnold Palmer in a mason jar, Emily had water. Within minutes we had a large bowl of fresh salad, followed quickly by cowboy beans and dinner rolls. We finished the salad, but not the beans, knowing that next would come our 30 ounce top sirloin steak accompanied by a baked potato, sour cream and horseradish. It was delicious, although we probably didn't eat more than eight ounces while sitting. They provide you with plastic baggies for left-overs and Emily brought in some foil from the van so we could wrap up the pieces we had pre-cut. After a desert of angel food cake and fresh berries, we paid and stumbled outside, more full than we had been in a while. Emily wandered into the gift shop and began chatting with the nice woman who was working inside who when she found out we were going to be camping that night, got us a big bag of ice for our cooler and some newspaper to insulate the meat so we wouldn't have to drive back to town. She also showed Emily how to tell if the ominous clouds surrounding the valley were going to move in and rain on us. She assured us it wouldn't rain. As we were chatting in the gift shop, Connie walked in, the owner and the wonderful woman who squeezed us in that evening. We introduced ourselves and thanked her so much for such a great and memorable meal. We headed of sated and happy to the East Bay campground near Thompson Reservoir where we had fished the day before and Max fished while the sun when down and Emily looked over some of the photos we had taken so far. It didn't rain. We had already done so much and still had another week of adventures ahead of us.

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