Q to R: McGregor Lake, MT to Spokane, WA


After surviving any middle of the night attacks by escaped convicts, we woke up and continued along our way on US 2 through Montana into Idaho. We stopped for gas and Emily checked her voicemail, and had two calls, one from Bob in Michigan who said Buzz was on his porch and from the vet in Baltimore that her rabies tags are from informing us that Buzz had been found. We couldn't believe it. She's old, diabetic, and we were pretty sure that the wolves we heard on the second night had to have found her. She couldn't have found a nicer person, he gave her food, water and agreed to transport her to a vet so she could be watched over until we got there. With about an hour to figure out what to do, we finally decided on Emily continuing on the trip as planned (to Cyprus and Europe) and Max would drive the 2,000 miles back to Michigan to get Buzz. We drove to Spokane, WA for Emily to catch a quickly booked commuter flight to Seattle so she could fly out of Seattle the next day. Max began the long drive back through Montana and North Dakota. Did we make the best decision? Who knows, but as we practiced throughout this trip, we never say "should've."

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