Using Twitter Alerts to get Notifications

Post date: Dec 20, 2016 2:8:29 PM

You can use Twitter notifications to get texts or emails when a particular account tweets something.

Here is how...

Copy the URL (Example:

(Click on the Website address so it turns blue > 'right click' & select 'copy')

Go to

Find 'Settings' (finding it may differ according to what browser or what operating system you are using)

At school using Chrome - Click on the 'Bell'/'Notifications' at the top left

Under the 'Search' field, look for 'Settings'

If you want 'Texts', click on 'Mobile' (above 'Notifications) >

Check the box that says, 'Tweets from people you've enabled for mobile notifications'.

(NOTE: you can only receive text notifications from ONE account - the most recently linked one using your smartphone.)

If you don't want them during the night, etc. adjust the 'Sleep settings'

Click on 'Save changes'

For more information on Twitter Alerts, click here.

If I can help you in anyway, let me know.