Using Google Drawings to create Infographics & MORE!

Post date: Nov 28, 2016 7:1:35 PM

See also, 'Digital' Magnetic Poetry w/ Slides, Drawings, etc.

Matt Miller of '' posted "Creating eye-popping infographics with Google Drawings" AND then "The Google Drawings Manifesto for Teachers"

and said that...

" infographics meet many of the same goals as our students’ writing assignments.

  • They investigate a specific topic.

  • To create one, you have to gather lots of information.

  • You summarize and pare down that information before presenting it.

  • You create with the reader in mind."

He proposes the idea of having students use Google Drawing to create more infographics and less research papers.

He gives lots of specifics including good sources for graphics.

FYI, Google Drawings works very similar to Google Slides.

>>> How to Use Google Drawings ( - recommended by Jeanna Boyd. Thanks, Ms. Boyd!

Other ideas...
