CamScanner is a great app for scanning hard copies into digital formats

Post date: Apr 28, 2019 6:38:32 PM

Let's say that you are doing National Board Certification and you have some hard copies that you need to submit along with other Google Doc documents, etc in one PDF or Word Doc file.

There are different ways that you can do it.

1) Using a printer/copier at school or at a FedEx or printing company -

  • print out all your digital documents

  • take those and your hard copies and put them in the order that you want

  • Use your school printer (or somewhere like the FedEx store or something) to scan them (run them through the printer) into a PDF or other format (options will vary with each copier). On my school's printer, all I have to do is press 'send' and it will send an email to me with the documents in one PDF format.

2) Using your home printer/copier

  • If the above isn't possible, you could probably use your own copier/scanner and scan them into a JPEG that you can insert into Word or into Google Doc then 'print as a PDF'. Email me if you need help with that (

3) Use the 'CamScanner' App (iPhone | Android)

  • The CamScanner App is wonderful! It is easy to use and using the adjustments you can scan a hard copy and clean it up so it looks almost perfect. Basically, you take a photo of each sheet and convert each into a JPEG OR the bunch into a multi-document file.

Here is a good tutorial for using the iPhone App -