Vocaroo - for Teacher Comments & Typing Response Alternative!

Post date: Apr 24, 2017 1:27:41 PM

Ms. Drasby's Ed Tech Babble introduced Vocaroo and its benefits to both teachers AND students...

"Vocaroo is an easy way to create and download voice recordings...I prefer to download the sound files into Google Drive...

A teacher correcting a Google Doc may link a Vocaroo voice Recording from their Google Drive into the comment area of a Google Doc...

A student with small motor issues or limited writing skills may express their content knowledge via a Vocaroo MP3 file shared with their teacher..."

Click here to learn how to use Vocaroo to ramp up your teacher comments and/or give a student an alternative to typing a response.

Of course, you have to have a microphone - which many laptops have or you can buy a cheap one. Let me know if you need advice.

Be sure to read their disclaimer - it is informative and the 'Privacy' is humorous if you understand it. :