Auto-Grading a Google Form Test using Flubaroo

Post date: Jan 25, 2017 5:31:22 PM

You can EASILY create a test or quiz using Google Form. Then the test could be graded by the Flubaroo 'Add-On' and then Flubaroo will grade the quiz for you. Here is how it works...

If you need help, please let me know. We can do a hands-on trial run in as little as 5 minutes or longer if you need it.


  • If you email the results to students and then reuse the same form year to year, you may want to at least change the order of questions and possibly other options to keep students from cheating (see the 9th tip below for further help with reducing cheating)

Here are 10 other things you didn't know you could do with Flubaroo (only 4 minutes long!)

Using Autograde