About Me

Who is Geeky Grandma?

Great Great Grandma Diana Lewis
Screen capture of www.ruthsuckow.org

Cherie Dargan

I'm a wife, mother, and grandmother to two little boys who are already comfortable using my iPod touch or iPad to play games or watch videos.

Family Genealogist

My mother compiled our family history, and I am continuing her work.

This is Diana Lewis--my 2nd Great Grandma.

She made a Red & Green quilt in 1860 that is still in my family.

Webmaster -- The Ruth Suckow Memorial Association website.

My husband created the first website: I redesigned it on a new platform and maintain it now. We applied for, and received, Google for Non-Profit status, giving us more space to expand.

Now, I'm also the webmaster for the Cedar Falls Authors Festival, celebrating five great local writers (Ruth Suckow, Bess Streeter Aldrich, Robert Waller, James Hearst, & Nancy Price)

In addition, I started a blog on blogspot to teach a workshop, and liked it so much that I kept blogging to it.

Ruth Suckow.org

Cedar Falls Authors Festival


Social Media Enthusiast

My husband, Michael, is a librarian and Alpha Geek. He encouraged me to join him in exploring Social Media in 2008.

I have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest.

Technology Columnist for the Cedar Valley Business Monthly & NOW The Waterloo Courier

I wrote a monthly column on an aspect of Technology from the Spring of 2012 until retirement.

Former Professor, Communications Dept. at Hawkeye Community College

I retired in August, 2016.

I consider myself a "working" writer because I write constantly. I love to take pictures with my iPad at events and post them on Facebook. However, until I took early retirement, I was a writing teacher, so spent a great deal of time responding to student work. Since retirement, I've gotten busy with volunteer work, babysit my two grandsons more, and love having more time to read, write, blog, and get involved with my community.

Last updated October 4, 2020