Topic: Circuitry

SMART GOAL SPECIFIC SENTENCE: I will learn about Circuitry using LittleBits

HOW TO SAVE: I can take my built circuits and leave them on top of the kit box after putting loose pieces away

LittleBits puts the power of electronics in the hands of everyone

Make your own electronic creations with no soldering, or wiring required

Inside the kits are your instruction booklets for the projects

Order: Intro Kit > Advanced Kit > Synth Kit > Code Kit

Here are some other ideas you can check out too:

Project Examples

LittleBits Youtube Page

Where is this used in the World?


All electronics have circuits inside of them to connect to each other for the screen, controls, and processing to work together


Most robots run off circuitry and coding, similar to what you'll make with LittleBits

Electronic Music

EDM and other new music genres use oscillators and synthesizers like the ones in the Synth Kit!