Baseball Diamond Parking Petition Now Ready to Go to Town of Markham

Post date: Nov 10, 2012 3:16:38 PM

Parking cars on both sides of Rouge Bank and Legacy Drives is a hazard. Buses have been forced to alter their routes in order to avoid collisions with parked vehicles. Cars regularly have to back up to let another car through. Can you imagine an ambulance or fire truck having to negotiate the baseball parking mess?

Residents on both streets and throughout Legacy are fed up with the recurring problem of baseball parking.

Markham officials requested that residents living opposite to Legacy Park sign a petition endorsing a motion to Town Council to have parking at Legacy Drive and Rouge Bank Drive restricted to the Legacy Park side of the road only. The petition has now been prepared and will be forwarded to the Town of Markham for its consideration.

Why the park side? Past experience in other neighbourhoods has shown that enforcement of a no-parking zone on the park side is not feasible. People coming to use the fields will park in the closest available location and are thus reluctant to cross the street. The field side parking is the longest continuous stretch of street parking available to accommodate the most cars. By-law enforcement officers can’t attend every event and experience has shown that the greatest success is with field side parking only. The only side of the road on which the Town is prepared to consider a no-parking zone is the side on which homes are located, and even this will require substantial support from the residents who live directly along the affected portions of the streets in issue.