About LCRA

The Legacy Community Ratepayers' Association (LCRA)

is for us, as neighbours, to work together for the care and benefit of our neighbourhood.

The Legacy Community Ratepayers’ Association (LCRA) is an organization established “to provide unity of purpose with respect to such issues as safety, security, schooling and the general maintenance of the community in the character it was originally proposed. The Association shall seek to be a vehicle through which residents and homeowner families can make suggestions and voice concerns with a view to sustaining the wellbeing of the neighbourhood, and to promote friendship and understanding among all its members.” [LCRA Constitution, Article II]

Membership in the LCRA is open to all residents of Legacy who have paid annual family membership dues, currently set at $20.00 per year.

The Executive Committee of the LCRA is elected from the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is to be held by June 30. Each family membership is entitled to one vote at the AGM. In addition, special meetings of the LCRA may be called by the Executive.

The First General Meeting of the LCRA was held on Sunday, April 14, 2002. At that time the constitution was approved and the current Executive Committee elected.

The LCRA is a Registered Ratepayers' Association with the Town of Markham, which allows us to receive information from the Town on issues affecting our community; make official representation to the Town on behalf of the community; be listed as a resource with Information Markham; on a “space available” basis, use meeting room space in a Town facility for one General Meeting per year at no charge.

To enhance the ability of the Executive Committee to fulfill its responsibilities and to allow greater participation by the membership, the LCRA Executive has established a number of Sub-Committees. Each Sub-Committee is chaired by a member of the Executive Committee. This helps facilitate communication, decision making and financial control. All members are invited to participate in Sub-Committees that interest them.

The Land Use committee will be focussing their attention on land development issues within and surrounding the Legacy community. The committee is currently addressing the following issues: the fate of the Markham Green Golf Course after Minto Markham ceases to manage the golf course, the site for the public school and the “Official Plan Amendment and Secondary Plan for Rouge Northeast.”

The Community Events committee will be tackling the task of bringing Legacy together as a community through community events that provide an opportunity for families within Legacy to get to know one another and have fun together. With a successful pot-luck lunch and community walking program under their belt, the committee continues to organize other events that will help define Legacy as a true community and not just another sub-division.

The Youth committee will focus their energy on organizing the youth within the Legacy community. Getting the children involved in youth programs, organized community sports (basketball, street hockey etc.) and other activities will help the youth of Legacy take responsibility for their community.

The safety of all Legacy residents is paramount. Addressing issues of speeding, congestion and other traffic (and roadside safety) related issues would be the Traffic committee. The committee will also be focussing their efforts on other issues including stop sign implementation and traffic slowing measures.

Legacy residents also need to feel safe in areas away from the road. The Safety committee will be addressing issues of safety in areas along the main roads, near the pond, Legacy Park and even near the church.

The Community Setting committee will work to help keep Legacy as beautiful as the day that we all moved into the community. They will be addressing key beautification issues such as the maintenance of Legacy Park and the installation and maintenance of flowers, lights and signs at the entrance to our community.

The Communications committee will serve as a conduit for the community to communicate to the LCRA Board of Directors. Through this newsletter, flyers, press-releases and even a web-site, the communications committee will also direct its energy on ensuring that the residents of Legacy are informed of events occurring in and effecting Legacy.

The Finance committee will manage funds generated by membership, fundraisers and other money generating activities.