LCRA Membership

The goal of the Legacy Community Ratepayers Association (LCRA) is to work together for the care and benefit of the Legacy neighbourhood. The LCRA is run by volunteers from the community who organize events for residents in Legacy.

LCRA activities include community-building events like the Spring and Fall Clean-Ups, Garage Sale, Corn Roast, Skating Rink and Summer Festival. The LCRA also produces and distributes the Legacy newsletter, The Legacy Voice, to keep neighbours up-to- date with local news and events. In addition, the LCRA hosts an Annual General Meeting for members in which the Executive Team provides a year-end report and also invites guest speakers to discuss issues that affect Legacy and the surrounding area.

In addition, your membership provides the following:

Strength in Numbers. When it is time to contact City officials – either staff or our elected representatives – it is helpful to be able to say that we have hundreds of LCRA member households from the current year (and voters!) behind us.

Financial Support. The LCRA is run by volunteers from the community who organize events for residents in Legacy. Your financial contribution goes right back to work in the community. From supporting our operating costs, to contributing to the benefits of our events, and making donations to community charities and our schools, the membership dollars count. (Note that our Executive Team is in no way compensated for our efforts.)

Free Goodies. The $20 entitles you to $40 of summer benefits if you choose to participate — $20 in Legacy Summer Festival tickets to use towards food and activities and $20 worth of meals (four complete meals, to be precise) at the Summer Corn Roast.

Convenience. Becoming a member ahead of these events accelerates your admission to the event and spares you from carrying around the extra cash. We’ll also put you “on the map” if you choose to sell things in our Garage Sale events.

How to renew membership:

The fastest and easiest way to join or renew your membership is to send a $20 e-transfer to Please be sure to include your Legacy address and first and last name in the memo.

To link directly to PayPal and take care of your membership via PayPal, click here. Be sure to enter your Legacy address again at the bottom of the payment process for verification purposes.

To pay by cheque, please download and print the offline Membership Form.

Member Agreement and Privacy: The Member and the LCRA agree to the use of Members personal information for the purpose of LCRA events and/or correspondence. The Member and the LCRA agree that this information is not to be shared with other parties for the purposes of solicitation. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details.