LCRA Director’s Code of Conduct & Ethics

I have consented to act as a Director of the LCRA and I agree to comply with the following Directors’ Code of Conduct & Ethics throughout my term as a Director. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct & Ethics by myself as a member of the Executive Committee will result in my immediate removal from my position on the Executive Committee by a simple majority vote of the remaining Executive Committee members present at a regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee that has been properly called and constituted, provided I have been notified in writing of the alleged violation to the Code of Conduct & Ethics and been given the opportunity to attend the meeting in the usual manner of notice for Executive meetings and had the opportunity to present my side of the situation.

Honesty and Good Faith – I will act honestly and in good faith and will do nothing to violate the trust or infringe upon the rights of other members of the Executive Committee, the LCRA, Legacy community residents or the broader community in general.

Care, Diligence and Skill – I will exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in comparable circumstances. I will make a concerted effort to attend all LCRA Executive meetings and any subcommittee meetings I may be involved with and if I am unable to attend I will grant my proxy to another member of the Executive Committee in writing to act on my behalf. I will act responsibly and with due diligence to become familiar with the affairs of the LCRA and to uphold its Constitution, Policies and Procedures, Rules, Resolutions, Agreements and any and all Requirements of my role as a Director of the LCRA.

Conflict of Interest – I am not currently aware of any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest with respect to any of my outside activities directly or indirectly associated to my role as a Director of the LCRA. If I become aware of any conflict, or perceived conflict I will immediately disclose to the entire Executive Board any such conflicts in writing within 2 days of such breach. I will not promote my own self interests or those of any family member, friend or associates to the detriment of the LCRA or for personal gain. I will not seek any special benefits or privileges as a Director of the LCRA or accept any compensation either personally or on behalf of any other person. I will act only in the best interests of the LCRA as a whole and I will not favor the interests of any individual or group, including my own as a result of my association with the LCRA. I will reflect a conscientious desire to serve my community for the betterment of same.

Confidentiality – I will not disclose to any person (including my spouse) information decided by the LCRA deemed to be confidential or privileged or which reasonably ought to be deemed confidential. When in doubt, I will request determination by a resolution of the Executive Committee.

Good Conduct – At all times, I will conduct myself in a professional and businesslike manner at meetings of the Executive Committee or when representing the LCRA in the community. I will approach all LCRA issues with an open mind, preparing to make the best decisions on behalf of the LCRA and its residents. I will act ethically with integrity and in accordance with legal criteria and the law of the land. I will comply with rules of good conduct and will deal with others in a respectful manner. I will comply with principles of good governance and procedural rules of order. I will not threaten to or take legal action against another member of the Executive Committee or the LCRA arising out of LCRA or Executive Committee business, including any decision to remove myself from a position on the Executive Committee. I acknowledge and further abide that this provision shall continue to remain in force indefinitely after my involvement with the LCRA ceases whether by my choice or as a result of a vote to remove me from my position by the Executive Committee for failure by myself to comply with the Director’s Code of Conduct & Ethics.

Support – I will abide by decisions of the majority of the Executive Committee even though I may disagree, but I reserve the right to express my own views in a professional, businesslike manner.

Defamation – I will not make erroneous or defamatory statements about the LCRA, other Executive Committee members, or any of its residents.

Involvement – I will ensure I keep myself abreast of the LCRA Executive Committee decisions and when I am unable to attend a meeting will ensure I read the minutes to remain current and apprised of any decisions by the group and will seek clarification if so required.

Agreement – I hereby agree to comply with the provisions set out in this Directors’ Code of Conduct & Ethics.