Dependent Coverage

HEALTHCARE - up to age 26

In accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), young adults between the ages of 19 through 26, may continue or receive coverage under his/her parent’s group health benefits until age 26 regardless of whether or not they are  married, living at home or covered under their own or a spouse’s employer sponsored coverage.

Healthcare Benefits are available to dependents up to the last day of the month in which they turn 26 years of age through NYSHIP (The Empire Plan or The Excelsior Plan) and HIP (Emblem Health).  That is, they can remain on their parent's policy till the end of that month.  

HEALTHCARE - up to age 30

For continued NYSHIP coverage, the Young Adult Option is available to young adults who meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

To apply, complete & submit the Young Adult Application to Employee benefits via email or interoffice mail.  The 2025 cost for this plan is $1,479.53 per month.  For more information, visit NYS Dept of Civil Service - Young Adult Option

Contact Employee Benefits if your child is disabled or was in the military to find out how to extend their benefits beyond age 26 on your NYSHIP policy.  

For employees with HIP coverage, there is no coverage available for their dependents over age 26.


For the Administrator's Union, Central Office Administration and Managerial Confidential Employees, coverage is only for dependents UNDER age 26 (coverage will end on their 26th birthday).

For Teachers, contact the Half Hollow Hills Teachers' Association or ASO for details at or 631-499-4240

For Paraprofessionals, contact Half Hollow Hills Teachers' Association for details on your Dental Discount Plan ( or 631-499-4240)

For Clerical and Custodial employees, contact your union for details on your self-paid policy.