Internships and Research


Check out SMC's dedicated STEM website!  (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Internships and Research Opportunities for SMC students

Internships are a great way to get a "foot in the door" leading to a future job after graduation!  It's a great way to get paid, get experience, and also have an impressive experience to include on your resume!

Research Class for SMC students

Students at Santa Monica College CAN do research during there time at SMC!  There are opportunities both here at SMC as well at other colleges.

Science 10 - Principles and Practice of Scientific Research - 2 units (1 hour of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week) - typically offered by various Biology/Chemistry/Earth Science faculty during the Winter intercession and Spring semester.  See course schedule to see the next available opportunity

Ways to get connected to a chemistry internship / research experience