Are you practicing Social Staggering?

Post date: May 15, 2020 6:43:39 PM

Hi class,

Today is 5/15/20, so it has been nearly 2 months now since SMC went into a remote learning mode (we moved online around 3/18).

You have shown so much resilience and grit, continuing to work hard and balance your school life with your work life (with now your home life - as many of you now have additional responsibilities for family member and loved ones now that almost everyone is home-bound). Continue to hang in there! We're almost there!

I came across these funny comics by ChemScrapes cartoonist Brendan Burkett from C&EN Sketch Chemistry.

For more of Brendan's comics, please see: (Links to an external site.)

Who new ochem could be so funny?

Dr. Dong

Social Staggering

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