Letters of Rec

Writing a letter of recommendation is an important responsibility for me. I teach you chemistry not only because I want you to learn the material, but also so that you will be academically ready to move to your next destination, whether that be a transfer institution or an internship or a job, etc. Letters of recommendation can have a big impact on your life after SMC!

You need to ask me for a letter of recommendation at least two weeks in advance of the deadline. The bigger the "deal", the sooner you should ask me.

Steps for requesting a Letter of Recommendation:

If you would like me to write a letter of recommendation for you, you must do the following:

    1. Fill out the following online form: https://goo.gl/forms/kIlBdWMIRZilKyxo1

    2. Fill out the following SMC FERPA Release form, fill it out, and scan it as a PDF.

    3. Send me an e-mail me letting me know that you are requesting a letter of rec. In that e-mail, please also attach the following documents:

      • a PDF of the filled-in FERPA release form (from the previous step)

      • an up-to-date resume (make sure it includes your current GPA at Santa Monica College)

      • An up-to-date copy of your SMC transcript (it can be a scanned copy and doesn't have to be official or the original)

      • A copy of any essays or personal statements that you are writing as part of your application. If your application doesn't require an essay/personal statement, at least send me a paragraph explaining what you are applying for and why you are a deserving candidate (your qualifications, your interest, how it aligns with your future goals, etc.

After you complete all the steps, I will try to respond within one week to let you know if I can write you a letter of rec.

When filling out applications, please give the place you're applying to my official SMC e-mail address: dong_timothy@smc.edu