
Streak Plate

Microbiologists have a technique called "Streak Plating" where you successively dilute your bacteria until eventually you get single isolated colonies.  These single colonies are used to obtain a pure culture (single strain of bacteria).  Dr. Gary Kaiser of the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus has a very nice computer animation showing how this is actually done in a practical sense. 

Link to Dr. Kaiser's Streak Plate Animation:

Link to this other animations:

Kirby Bauer Page from Dr. Kaiser:

Nice efficient video from Reddit by showing streak plate being done:

SMC's New Biotechnology Program

Check out this news article about SMC's new Biotechnology Program!  The SMC Biotech pathway leads to jobs in biotech companies in Southern California!  These industries are struggling to find highly skilled technicians to supports its rapid growth.  This program leads to stackable certificates that could lead to careers as a:

More information:

Kirby-Bauer Test (Disc Diffusion Test)

This Spring 2024 semester, I am on sabbatical at Loyola Marymount University (Lum Lab) learning how to incorporate microbiology techniques into my Organic Chemistry classes.  Here is an example showing how the Kirby-Bauer assay is used to determine whether a particular antibiotic will be effective against clearing a particular type of infection.  In the Kirby-Bauer Test, the drug compound diffuses out of the disc and into the surrounding media, interacting with the bacteria that is growing on the media.  You can measure the diameter of the zone of inhibition to get a sense of the effectiveness of the antibacterial properties of each compound.  I used six standard discs here and tested them against a lawn of E. coli incubated overnight at 37 oC.  Using the reference table, which antibiotics is this E. coli bacteria susceptible to?  Which antibiotics is this E. coli resistant to?  E. coli happens to be a Gram-negative bacterium.  When I tried this experiment with S. epidermidis (a common Gram-positive bacteria found on the skin), I found that S. epidermidis was susceptible to ALL six of these antibiotics!  The point here is that different antibiotics are good/bad against different strains of bacteria.  Penicillin, which apparently has no effect on E. coli is terrific against S. epidermidis.  It makes sense why there are so many different antibiotics out there (because there are so many different strains of bacteria!).  Not to mention, that a particular strain of bacteria can rapidly develop resistance to an antibiotic too so that an antibiotic that works today on that strain might not work later on an evolved descendant of that same bacteria!  We need scientists to think about and work on problems like these.  Consider joining the Science 10 Drug Discovery Lab course to get hands-on experience and learn more!

Penicillium fungus inhibits growth of bacteria (real-life Disk Diffusion Assay)

The image above was taken from the Wolfe Lab at Tuft's University.  Their website publishes photos of their research to help inform the public on the type of research taking place inside the laboratory!  Below is the caption from their webpage (source:    Entry from 11/23/2020)


"November 23rd: Students in Ben’s course Microbiome Research Lab are exploring how fungi in cheese rinds produce antibiotic compounds. Here is a plate showing some [Penicillium] fungi with strong antibacterial activity! The orange “lawn” is a bacterium spread across a Petri dish containing nutrients. Each circle on the plate is a “plug” of either fungi (top left and bottom plugs) or a control plug with just media (top right). The areas around the fungi where the bacterium is not growing are due to something the fungi secrete into the medium that can kill bacteria. We are excited to work with chemistry collaborators to better understand what those compounds might be!"

This image is very reminiscent of the classic image of Penicillium fungus inhibiting growth on a bacterial lawn from Alexander Fleming's original report describing a potent antimicrobial compound (later discovered to be Penicillin).  Image source: 

More info on this "agar plug" method:

Did you know Alexander Fleming also "painted" portraits using bacteria?  Check out Alexander Fleming's Germ Paintings!

Sodium acetate recrystallization

Cool demonstration by Phil Reedy involving spontaneous crystallization of sodium acetate:

Another video of the same recrystallization process:

SMC Physical Sciences Dept Flex Day

Our Fall 2023 Flex Day was held at SMC's new Malibu Campus.  We did an activity the that the Engineering/Physics professors use in their engineering class - build your own self-propelled race cars!  

Illustrations with Artificial Intelligence

12-19-2023 I used Bing's DALL-E 3 program today with the following prompt as my first foray into using AI for creating illustrations: 

charizard doing organic chemistry in the lab

Looks like the program recognizes that Personal Protective Equipment (goggles, lab coat, gloves) are part of working in the organic lab!  (They forgot about closed toe shoes and long pants, however...) .  Some of these Charizard images look more like orange Pikachu or orange Eevee...  They got the flaming tail part right.  It's intersitng how one image also has a flaming bunsen burner while another has a flaming microscope (?!?).  Let's not look too closely at the organic structures written in the background....

I also have a teaching mnemonic for sugar chemistry "Birds above and Ants below" for remembering that when the anomeric OH points up (toward where the birds live) it is the beta anomer and when the OH points down (toward where the ants live) it is the alpha anomer.  I gave the AI the prompt Birds above and Ants below and got this image.

IR simulation website

This website lets you draw a structure and simulate the resulting appearance of the IR spectra:

NMR Practice Site (

(actual site:

NMR practice site that gives you Molecular Formula and NMR (1H and sometimes 13C data).  You draw the structure in the box below and it tells you if you got the problem right!  It also gives some hints if you've made some minor errors (wrong molecular formula, etc.)

ChemDraw Prime (Chem Draw 21) Shortcuts and Hotkeys

Magic Hotkeys Cheat Sheet (available from within ChemDraw via Help --> Shortcuts and Hotkeys)

ChemDraw 21 manual:

Significant Figures are no joke

AlphaFold accelerates artificial intelligence powered drug discovery: efficient discovery of a novel CDK20 small molecule inhibitor

Amazing proof of concept from the University of Toronto using AI (PandaOmics) to identify a protein target to inhibit a type of liver cancer cell known as hepatocellular carcinoma, then using AI (AlphaFold) to determine the structure of the protein target from its amino acid sequence, then finding potential "weaknesses" (druggable sites) in the protein target and then finding potential chemical structures that might bind effectively to those "weaknesses" also using AI (Chemistry42), and then finally synthesizing the candidate structures (done by humans), and testing it on the hepatocellular carcinoma cells (done by humans).  And all in the span of one month.

News article:

Scientific paper from Chemical Science (Open Source):

Real Organic

Prof. Dennis D. Cao at Macalester College has developed a compilation of literature/patent organic chemistry reactions titled " A Collection of Introductory-Appropriate Organic Chemistry Reactions"

Copy and Pasting the abstract of this 2022 J Chem Ed article below: For most students, completing practice problems is an essential prerequisite for success in organic chemistry courses. Practice work, however, is sometimes perceived to be easier than or even not related to the types of chemistry that students see in assessments and “real-world” science. This negative view may contribute to a reduced level of engagement with course content and scientific learning practices. To combat this perception, a collection of introductory level-appropriate organic reactions bearing literature citations has been assembled and made available at Portions of this collection were crowdsourced by introductory organic chemistry students through a three-part literature assignment intended for students reading the chemical literature for the first time. For students, is intended to provide a wealth of practice opportunities to complement conventional learning resources. For instructors, hosts a simple-to-complex range of reaction examples that are useful for literature-backed teaching efforts. 

It's all a matter of perspective - Newman Projections!

Found this image in a facebook group and this should somehow relate to Newman Projections right?  For an introduction to Newman Projections, see link and video below from Master Organic Chemistry.

Compare and Contrast these two images: the Hubbell Space Telescope (launched ~30 years ago) to the James Webb Space Telescope (brand new and this year!)

Image and Text Source:

Caption taken from the website above: This composite blinker image was constructed by rotating our first view from the White House release of JWST’s first science image and pasting it atop the previous Hubble image. The number of new features revealed are spectacular. 

Resources for visualizing DNA and other biological macromolecules

Do Not Mix!

Very helpful reminder and lots of chemistry to be thinking about.

ChemDraw tips and tricks for drawing basic mechanisms

Things I learned from this video:

Things I learned from this video for drawing catalytic cycles:

2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Prof. Benjamin List and Prof. David Macmillan

Illustration of Chair Flips

A nice animated gif image of chair flips.   Notice how during the chair flip, axial/equatorial relationships switch, while up/down relationships stay the same.  Example: The Bromine is axial down in one chair, while it becomes equatorial down in another chair.

** Note that the actual ring flip actually proceeds through a "twist-boat" conformation (instead of a coplanar arrangement).   Nonetheless, this animation does a very nice job of conveying how the starting chair and the ending chair are related.  Thank you to Prof. Ezra Depperman of the University of New Mexico for making this available to chemistry instructors!

Pfizer unveils its oral SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor

The antiviral candidate is the first orally administered compound to enter clinical trials that targets the virus’s main protease

by Bethany Halford


Link to article:

Lectures on Pd-catalyzed Cross Coupling Reactions by Prof. Oliver Reiser (Universitat Regensburg)

Sonogashira Coupling reaction video

Nice youtube video of the Sonogashira Coupling reaction from CSIR North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat, India including reaction setup, workup, column chromatography, and NMR analysis

COVID update 1-21-21

The current Winter 2021 session is online and the upcoming Spring 2021 session will also be online.  SMC announced on 1-21-21 that the Summer 2021 session will also be online, with a decision regarding Fall 2021 to be forthcoming in the next few weeks.  More info about SMC COVID-19 updates are available here:

Regioselectivity of enamine formation

Basically, whether you get the more substituted or less substituted enamine really depends on the nature of the substituents on the amine... (so it's complicated).  In Chem 22, we typically convert symmetrical ketones to enamines (effectively skirting the regioselectivity issue), but there is a regioselectivity component when using asymmetrical ketones.

Source: Baran group meeting link:

COVID update 9-9-20    

(graphic below prepared by the LA Times using their Coronavirus tracker by county)

As of Wed 9-9-20, SMC (and the rest of LA County) is in Tier 1 (Widespread).   Of the four tiers, being in Tier 1 is the bottom of the scale (the worst).  Tier 1 is coded in purple in the map below.    Hopefully we will work our way up one rung at a time.... In Tier 1, most nonessential indoor business operations are closed.  SMC is currently in Week 2 of the Fall 2020 semester and we are teaching classes online.


Bradykinin - the molecule behind the symptoms of COVID-19?

Interesting article from Medium: 

Past posts

Sometimes the most interesting peaks are the ones that aren't there — Aug 2, 2020 7:36:23 AM

Chemistry Demo Videos — Jun 1, 2020 6:51:52 AM

SMC offering free wifi on Bundy campus parking lot starting 5/26/20 — May 20, 2020 4:51:58 PM

What does the IR of a compound with multiple carbonyl groups look like? — May 18, 2020 7:54:11 AM

Are you practicing Social Staggering? — May 15, 2020 6:43:39 PM

Drug or Pokemon? — May 8, 2020 5:54:22 PM

Drugs being designed/tested to combat coronavirus — Apr 3, 2020 5:08:32 PM

Constructive and Destructive Interference (sound waves) — Dec 17, 2019 10:18:40 PM

Salting Out — Dec 11, 2019 11:50:56 PM

Additional NMR resources — Nov 29, 2019 9:20:43 AM

Another way of peeling the orange for the limonene lab — Nov 22, 2019 6:53:14 AM

The dangers of inhaling silica (SiO2) - NPR article from 11/21/19 — Nov 22, 2019 6:21:28 AM

Spectral Data from Richard Tomasi — Nov 20, 2019 5:15:59 AM

Crowdsourcing Drug Discovery — Oct 27, 2019 10:55:29 PM

2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Lithium Ion Batteries — Oct 9, 2019 1:54:56 PM

Basic Needs Brochure Resource Guide from SMC — Oct 3, 2019 12:47:19 AM

Open Source Mycetoma — Aug 11, 2019 12:04:51 AM

Sydney Grammar Synthesis of Daraprim — Jun 7, 2019 8:39:30 PM

Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Center Animations — May 30, 2019 2:10:53 PM

96 million black balls in the LA Reservoir and how it's related to Bromate — May 15, 2019 6:18:22 AM

Microwave Chemistry Links — Mar 24, 2019 5:30:51 AM

Singlet Oxygen Reaction Links — Feb 15, 2019 6:37:31 AM

Open Source Drug Discovery (Open Source Malaria) — Jan 31, 2019 10:18:38 PM

Test Tube Columns from Baran Lab — Jan 18, 2019 12:11:11 AM

Souz vide cooking and chemistry — Jan 11, 2019 8:04:15 AM

25 Simple Hacks to make life easier — Jan 10, 2019 5:49:28 AM

The Big One Earthquake Survival Guide — Jan 9, 2019 7:18:52 AM

Online organic chemistry procedures — Dec 14, 2018 6:52:17 PM

The Skill of Humor — Dec 4, 2018 6:27:14 AM

TedX talk on weight loss: "eat less, move more, and keep breathing" — Dec 4, 2018 6:16:31 AM

25 Chemistry Experiments in 15 Minutes | Andrew Szydlo | TEDxNewcastle — Dec 4, 2018 5:18:43 AM

Meet the Chemputer - automated laboratory scale organic synthesis — Dec 4, 2018 5:04:42 AM

Proud to be SMC! — Dec 4, 2018 1:32:14 AM

NPR article on "The Forgotten Fascinating Saga of Crisco" — Dec 3, 2018 8:34:21 AM

Multicomponent Reaction — Dec 3, 2018 7:28:56 AM

Interesting paper on anti-markovnikov alkene hydroamination — Nov 29, 2018 7:20:46 AM

Organic chemistry research at the community college level — Nov 13, 2018 5:48:57 AM

NBD fluorophore plant biology project — Oct 27, 2018 2:50:21 PM

Microwave chemistry — Sep 5, 2018 8:03:00 PM

Neonatal nurse discovers new colleague is a baby she treated decades ago — Sep 3, 2018 8:15:53 PM

Turning Type A, Type B, or Type AB Blood into Type O Blood (the universal donor) — Aug 22, 2018 4:49:31 AM

Photoredox catalysis links — Aug 5, 2018 3:34:17 AM

Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis — Jun 4, 2018 7:48:09 PM

Cannabis-derived drugs — Apr 25, 2018 8:47:39 PM

Interesting prodrug concept — Apr 11, 2018 9:23:47 PM

Drug Design Workshop — Mar 25, 2018 6:23:59 AM

Exploring late stage C-H functionalization with the natural product Cyanthiwigin — Mar 23, 2018 5:34:34 PM

A values in chairs — Mar 19, 2018 3:32:42 AM

ChemSpider Synthetic Pages — Feb 6, 2018 8:33:11 PM

Iterative Pd catalyzed cross couplings — Jan 26, 2018 6:17:14 AM

Organic Chemistry Random Exam Generator from Stony Brook University — Jan 25, 2018 6:28:14 PM

Instant 3D viewer (JSMOL) — Dec 15, 2017 1:02:31 AM

The Fight Against HIV: Discovering and Developing Emtricitabine - free webinar — Dec 2, 2017 4:20:15 PM

C-H Activation — Nov 4, 2017 6:14:12 AM

Open lectures from UCI — Nov 1, 2017 9:15:51 PM

Sydnones undergo cycloaddition and SnAr reactions — Oct 14, 2017 6:04:01 AM

Bond Disassociation Energies — Oct 10, 2017 11:14:47 PM

Free energy discussion for Diels Alder reaction — Oct 10, 2017 5:03:49 PM

Roberts and Caserio Organic Chemistry text (Caltech Library) — Oct 5, 2017 10:48:54 PM

Detecting food allergens on the go with the iEAT portable sensor system — Sep 26, 2017 10:58:45 PM

The story behind HIV drug Fostemsavir (BMS-663068) — Sep 7, 2017 5:53:38 AM

Electrochemistry — Sep 5, 2017 11:01:06 PM

Top Pharmaceuticals Poster — Sep 1, 2017 6:19:55 AM

Stats from the SMC 2017 graduating class — Aug 26, 2017 12:49:17 AM

Great American Solar Eclipse Aug 21 2017 — Aug 16, 2017 7:13:03 PM

Demo: Magnesium (Mg) and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) — Jul 13, 2017 3:29:01 PM

Sodium Hypobromite (NaBrO) — Jul 12, 2017 6:28:37 AM

Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis — Jul 5, 2017 6:29:59 AM

Small scale reactor for Photocatalytic Reactions — Jul 1, 2017 3:17:04 AM

Turning Copper Pennies Into Silver and Gold Pennies — Jun 6, 2017 8:09:49 PM

The evidence for man-made climate change — Jun 2, 2017 6:30:22 PM

Graphite rods — Jun 1, 2017 10:26:40 PM

6 easy ways to enroll at SMC — May 31, 2017 1:15:58 AM

Using Mass Spec to study a dolphin's breath to assess their health — May 16, 2017 3:37:26 PM

Sometimes it depends on your perspective... — May 8, 2017 12:34:29 AM

Seeing planet Earth through the rings of Saturn — Apr 27, 2017 3:08:07 PM

Small molecules behaving as allergens — Apr 7, 2017 5:31:45 PM

Science Kits (receive two new kits each month) — Apr 6, 2017 12:22:52 AM

New paper from Nelson Group at UCLA — Apr 6, 2017 12:21:09 AM

Infographic: Table of Esters and their smells — Mar 15, 2017 6:29:06 AM

Prof. Dan Nocera's Artificial Leaf — Feb 22, 2017 12:18:12 AM

Helium forms a stable molecule!?!?! — Feb 16, 2017 1:25:09 AM

It's real: Metallic hydrogen has been created for the first time - ScienceAlert — Jan 29, 2017 6:38:13 AM

C-H activation — Dec 7, 2016 7:20:24 AM

Tips and Tricks for the Lab - Air Sensitive Techniques — Dec 7, 2016 7:11:18 AM

Treasure Trove of Papers to Read! — Nov 18, 2016 2:24:14 AM

The Dark Side of the Universe (Dark Matter) — Nov 16, 2016 10:00:23 PM

Hosea Nelson's talk at Andrew's University — Nov 16, 2016 9:58:17 PM

Stork-Danheiser Reaction — Nov 15, 2016 10:06:59 PM

Fráter–Seebach alkylation — Nov 15, 2016 9:44:13 PM

LA Times: Elephant poachers are hard at work in Africa, and carbon dating proves it — Nov 8, 2016 6:59:45 PM

The Lord of the Rings! — Oct 19, 2016 6:23:13 AM

How does a pendulum work?  Why is the sky blue?  Why are clouds white? — Oct 10, 2016 8:58:38 PM

Radiocarbon Dating (Carbon-14 dating) — Oct 10, 2016 8:36:56 PM

Article related to "Isotopes": Moon Rock Analysis Casts Doubt on Lunar Origins — Sep 28, 2016 7:50:26 PM

Chiral Pool — Sep 21, 2016 6:20:48 PM

Making cheese in a biology lab — Sep 19, 2016 8:13:01 PM

CRISPR/Cas9 explained - a powerful tool for genetic engineering — Sep 17, 2016 1:38:28 AM

C&EN interviews UCLA Organic Chemistry Prof. Hosea Nelson "The Quest To Make Any Molecule: Total Synthesis with Hosea Nelson" — Sep 17, 2016 12:38:44 AM

Smart phone spectrometer — Sep 14, 2016 4:30:58 AM

Terahertz radiation used to read closed books — Sep 14, 2016 4:29:33 AM

Parents Who Administer Liquid Meds Often Make Dosing Errors, Study Says — Sep 14, 2016 4:15:45 AM

Boeing's "Lightest Metal Ever": Density versus Mass (versus Weight) — Sep 6, 2016 5:32:40 AM

What happens when you hold a lit match to a soap bubble filled with hydrogen gas? — Sep 1, 2016 6:15:45 AM

The building blocks of life weren’t that hard to put together - The Washington Post — Sep 1, 2016 5:49:44 AM

3.7-billion-year-old fossils may be the oldest signs of life on Earth — Sep 1, 2016 5:48:53 AM

Extended Hours to Better Serve Students — Aug 23, 2016 12:17:22 AM

Which Is Greater, The Number Of Sand Grains On Earth Or Stars In The Sky? — Aug 18, 2016 4:26:09 PM

Classics in Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry — Aug 6, 2016 6:17:31 AM

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is table salt.  Can you use Potassium Chloride in cooking instead? — Aug 6, 2016 12:40:28 AM

Photoredox Catalysis in Organic Chemistry (JOC review article) — Aug 3, 2016 6:18:26 AM

Pokemon spotted in Science 305! — Jul 13, 2016 8:37:28 PM

LA Times article 7/12/16 on antibiotic resistance — Jul 13, 2016 2:54:42 PM

Synthetic applications of eosin Y in photoredox catalysis — Jul 12, 2016 5:55:37 AM

Instrument-Free Point-of-Care Molecular Detection of Zika Virus — Jul 10, 2016 4:31:31 AM