Playground Project Kick-Off!

Post date: Jan 14, 2016 7:42:27 PM

And we're off! Today we kicked off our latest project venture - this time with Grade 7 math and science. Our students are going to be tasked with designing a new playground for one of the new schools scheduled to be built in the Summerside community. Today we brought all 95 of our grade 7 students outside to our playground at the school to take some initial measurements and overall observations about structure and layout - it was actually super fun! We will be working throughout the Structures and Forces unit in science and Geometry in math bring playground design to life. We are very lucky to have the support of our community and are lining up some pretty fantastic guest speakers to help our students with each stage in the process as well. Days like this remind me how much I love working with the people that I do - we don't always know how something is going to turn out but everyone is willing to try. Can't wait to see how it all pans out!