School Board

Elysian School is governed by a five-member school board which is elected by members of the school district. Regular board meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm in the school conference room.

Board Members

Monica Zieske - Chair

Shanna Herrick - Vice

Ben Reichenbach

Summer Barrett

Jake Frank


Core Values

Per MCA 20-3-354 Redetermination of additional trustee positions and subsequent adjustments, Sherry Long, Yellowstone County Superintendent of Schools, has completed the calculations in accordance with MCA 20-3-352.  After the completion of the calculation, Sherry Long determined that an additional High School trustee is warranted.  In order to comply with this determination of an additional High School trustee position, Billings High School District shall declare a vacancy, and will appoint an at large trustee from one of the following outlying Elementary Schools:  Blue Creek, Canyon Creek, Elder Grove, Morin, Elysian, Independent, or Yellowstone Academy.  This appointed trustee will run for Election at the next regular School Election.  

The process and timeline for filling the position per Policy 1112 is as follows:   When a trustee vacancy occurs, the remaining trustees shall fill such vacancy by appointment.  The Board will receive applications from any qualified persons seeking to fill the position after suitable public notice.  The Board will appoint one (1) candidate to serve until the next regularly scheduled election.  Should the Board fail to fill a vacancy within sixty (60) days from the creation of a vacancy, the county superintendent shall appoint, in writing, a competent person to fill such vacancy.  An appointee shall meet the requirements provided by law and shall serve until the next regularly schedule school election and a successor has qualified.  

Application materials and instructions will be available from the Billings School District #2 Clerk, Craig VanNice, after July 22, 2019.  He can be reached by email at or by phone at 406-281-5017.