Bus Routes

Your designated bus route number will be noted on your child's annual data update and on the class list at the open house before the first day of school. You may also receive this information via text before the Open House.

Note -  we do not assign the bus stop or keep the bus stop on file; please choose the stop closest to your home from the bus route assigned to you. There is not a formal transportation request or sign up process. Every child that lives on a bus route is assigned to a bus and each family then decides if they want to use the bus services or not.  There are addresses that do not qualify for bus services, i.e. Annafeld, East & West Lanes.

All times are approximate. Please allow for delays due to traffic, snowy/icy roads, weather, construction, etc. In cases of extreme cold weather use caution when sending your children to the bus stops too early. While we don't want them to miss the bus, we also do not want their well-being jeopardized by inclement weather. If two roads are listed, this denotes an intersection.

If we have your family assigned to the wrong bus number, please notify the office immediately.

There may be more than one bus service in your neighborhood. Our transportation services are provided by Sarpy and available for in district families.

Arrive at your bus stop 5 minutes early.

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