
Students are not allowed to bring any medications to school with a parent note. All medication, including over the counter, must have paperwork on file with the nurse's office and be brought in by a parent prior to administration. Medication found in a student's backpack or locker that does not have required paperwork will be confiscated and locked in the nurse's office. This is for the safety of the students. 

Please review the incoming medication checklist below:

Prescription Medication - There must be paperwork on file in the nurse's office with provider orders and signature before medications are allowed to be given at the school.  This includes self-administration medications, such as inhalers and EpiPens. 

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication - There must be paperwork on file in the nurse's office prior to any medications being given. OTC medications are only given on a short term basis if meeting specific criteria. We have limited supply of OTC medications (Tylenol, ibuprofen) for occasional, as needed, doses. Written consent from a parent/guardian is required before a student can take OTC medications, including cough drops and antacids. 

Health Problems - For students that have a health diagnosis (allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizures, etc.), you will need to contact the school nurse to set up needs for medications, provider orders and action plans as soon as possible, even if your student will not have any mediations or supplies at the school.

Prescription Medication Consent Form 2023.pdf
OTC Medication Consent 2023.pdf