Extended Studies


(Academically Talented Learners Achieving Success)

Extended Studies Philosophy Statement

The Elysian School District believes that gifted and talented students have unique academic and affective needs. Therefore, gifted and talented students shall be provided with an opportunity designed to enrich, sustain, challenge, and ensure continued growth. We recognize that the students may require differentiated instruction and opportunities that focus on high achievement. The administration, teachers, and staff will work together with students, parents and the community to ensure that the educational needs of our gifted and talented students are met. It is our goal to provide settings that best help these students reach their potential.

Screening Process

Students being considered for the gifted and talented program will be screened through the following multiple criteria. Students who are determined to be above average in criteria will be considered for a Gifted and Talented Educational Modification Plan to better serve his or her academic needs. Any adult wishing to refer a student for consideration, must complete an ATLAS Referral form and the following items will be used to determine eligibility. This process supports policy 2166.

  • NWEA MAPS Reading RIT and Percentile Score - (96th% ile)

  • NWEA MAPS Math RIT Score and Percentile Score - (96th% ile)

  • AIMSweb Reading Score (96th% ile)

  • AIMSweb Math Score (96th% ile)

  • Teacher Inventory

  • Parent Inventory

  • Student Inventory

  • Raven Intelligence Test

  • Iowa Acceleration Scale, if applicable