Export from iMovie


How to Export an iMovie as a Movie File:

1. Go to ‘Share’ and click on ‘File’ or click on the in the upper right corner of the window

2. Click ‘Next’ on the window that pops up.

3) Give your movie a creative title. Not just your names. Tell the computer where you would like it saved (desktop, a folder, etc.) and then click ‘Save’.

4. Once your movie is a file, then you can drag it into your Google Drive in order to get a shareable link to copy and paste into your presentation.

5. The process of UPLOADING & PROCESSING may take 5-10 minutes for Google Drive. Once it has finished BOTH of these steps, you will be able to play the video in your Google Drive.


When you are completely FINISHED with your imovie (You added music, titles, sound, etc)

1. Click SHARE- EXPORT Movie

2. Where: I recommend 'Desktop'. It will be easier to move into your Google Drive Folder

3. The movie is now in your movie folder or on the desktop

4. Once you have the video file exported, you can now drag it from the desktop into your Google Drive.

5. The process of UPLOADING & PROCESSING may take 5-10 minutes for Google Drive. Once it has finished BOTH of these steps, you will be able to play the video in your Google Drive.