Filmmaking 101

First Steps to Becoming a Filmmaker

The Challenge: One of the best things you can do to become a better filmmaker, director or videographer is to watch a music video or movie with NO sound. This will force you to recognize the countless techniques used by the filmmakers to make their product more visually appealing and thus more engaging to an audience.

Complete the linked worksheet FILMMAKING 101 to learn about a variety of techniques and skills needed to make a film or video at SMS and receive your License to Film allowing you to film in the hallways at school.

CHALLENGE LENGTH: 15-20 minutes

Challenge Resources:

The videos and resources below will help introduce you into the world of filmmaking and will help take you from just recording to making a film. Watch the video tutorials and read the docs below before you start to make ANY sort of video, film or movie.

Once you have finished, make a copy of the linked document 'FILMMAKING 101 WKSHT', fill it out, print it out and turn it in or share with Mr. Wolfe BEFORE you start filming anything.

How to use the cameras and tripods in the CMA Lab:

Taking good pictures and good video that is appealing to the eye:

How to use a variety of camera angles to make your video more visually appealing and professional:

Example of steps to be taken to complete a well planned short film:

Video from Santa Fe University explaining steps 1,3,4, and 7 of making a short film (steps referred to as different numbers in video):

Full video (25:35) can be seen by clicking HERE

iMovie Basics (Please watch if you have never used iMovie before - 7:51)

Movie Rubric:

How to Export an iMovie