Location: Åsavägen, 271 71 Nybrostrand

Location Visit: 14.08.2013

Location Visit: 27.06.2015

Datum Point: 55.436379,13.950326

Notes: Really bad weather on day of my 2013 visit so re-visit required. Property has been unoccupied for some time and is sadly deteriorating. No internal access possible.

Notes: My 2015 visit found the property even more deteriorated. Such a shame as this could be a nice property.

Scene 08

1. A crumbling, dilapidated building.

2. With cobwebs everywhere.


3. Gosta Runfeldt is held here.

Scene 52

1. In a rural location.


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

1a. Similar view. All identifiers present. Distinctive 'crowned' gateposts.

2. And not much light inside.

Scene 56

1. There is a swing on the tree in the front garden.


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

1a. Which is still there.


2. The double-aspect kitchen.


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

2a. A different angle, but same place.

3. And the view from it to the road. The distinctive gate, with crowns on the gateposts.

3a. Cropped image of gate.

Scene 60

1. This property with its neighbour, right.

2. What does that street-sign say? It says Åsavägen.

3. View from the road, with countryside to rear. Crumbling porch. Gatepost crown again.


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

3a. Similar view. Identifiers present.

4. More evidence of deterioration (of the property, that is).


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

4a. Without Kurt. This property is going downhill.

5. Magnus, armed and ready. Tree to right has the swing on it.


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

5a. No Magnus today, but my generous guides are parked where Kurt's car was.

6. Magnus and Kurt meet at the rear of the property. Considering it backs onto the countryside, why is there only one window at the higher level?


©2013 Ian S. Bolton

6a. The rear aspect. It was just too wet to get into a position to match this image.


7. The view out of the attic window overlooking the neighbouring garden.