1. The Police Station car park entrance adjacent to the Police Station.
2. Sven Tyren is interviewed.
Scene 25
1. A patrol car arrives outside just as a bus passes.
2. Vanja Andersson has arrived.
Scene 36
1. Kurt changes clothes after his father's funeral.
2. These are the swimming pool's changing cubicles.
Scene 46
1. Magnus, Kurt, Anne-Britt and Lisa discuss the case.
2. Kurt in pondering mode.
Scene 49
1. A press conference in the entrance hall.
2. Have you seen this girl?
Scene 54
1. Magnus, Kurt and Lisa discuss some more.
2.3.05b: MAIN OFFICE
Scene 11
1. The team discuss the case.
2. Then Kurt gets the call about his father.
Scene 18
1. Kurt in mid discussion.
2. Lisa has sent Kurt home.
Scene 25
1. Vanja gives her fingerprints.
2. The case continues after she leaves.
Scene 28
1. Kurt gets ready for his father's funeral.
2. Anne-Britt applies the finishing touch.
Scene 33
1. Vanja examines Gosta Runfeldt's suitcase.
2. It leaves her upset.
Scene 36
1. Nyberg and Anne-Britt discuss the case some more.
2. Kurt is perplexed.
Scene 43
1. These are strange deaths indeed.
2. Anne-Britt worries about Kurt.
Scene 57
1. Magnus and Kurt.
2. They work something out.